I went to a movie tonight and there where 2 babies that some parents brought. Now i know baby siters cost money but the movie I payed to see cost money too so why should i have to sit threw someones baby crying and screaming the whole time.
I think these ppl maybe got to see half the movie casue they constatly had to leave with a screaming baby.
They came in and spent $20 on tickets and pissed off an entire theater and missed most of the movie. What was the point. All i know is when i have a kid i’ll have enough respect to stay home and rent a movie or get a baby siter.
Well I can see Rev’s point but I too am a sucker for the movies. I usually go at least once a week (except this week, there was nothing I really wanted to see) and I too find MOST theatre seats to be very comfortable - plus air conditioning is great in the summer.
What movie were you seeing? That is terrible. I would have complained and got my money back - it’s bullsh*t you should have to sit through that.
i know what you are feeling, and half of the movies its like
"you would bring a kid to see this!?"
It’s a catch22 tho, if it was a group of teenie-boppers I’d go get the staff to talk to them, but a parent with a kid…i mean the parents gotta live…sooo its a rough spot…
I would probably leave as a parent if my kid got out of hand tho…
maybe that’s why its so common - no one seems to know quite how to handle it
In all honesty I have actually threatened to eat this one twelve year old kid with my demonic voice when he spent the whole time talking on the phone. It was hilarious, he went down three rows and stayed silent for the rest of the movie, looking back at me occasionally. ****, I wish I had a fork and Tabasco sauce then -that would have been really funny.
Babies in theaters - this is something I can never stop ranting about. I hate it when people bring their **** babies to the theaters. It’s rude and totally selfish. I experienced this last weekend actually. I finally had some time to see Bad Boys 2. This movie is about 2 and a half hours long and the showing was at 10pm - way past junior’s bedtime if you ask me. This couple sat in the front center, no less, with their screaming brat. Needless to say, the creature started crying and they just SAT THERE! Who cares if they are making movie-going painful for everyone else - as long as they don’t miss any of the movie right? I heckled them and they finally went out.
Argh. Bad Boys 2 is not a movie for babies. It is NOT Little Nemo. If they can’t get/afford a babysitter - too **** bad. Make it a Blockbuster night.
I just thought of an idea. record the sound of a gun doing that click noise on a handheld tape recorder. When you go into the theater, if anyone is pissing you off, just lean forward and wisper “don’t move” then play the noise “one more word out of you and I will splatter your brains accross the screen”
that would be funny.
Or if you live in texas just pull out your gun press it to the back of the persons head and yell “SHUT THE F*CK UP”
*Originally posted by SureShot *
**Well I can see Rev’s point but I too am a sucker for the movies. I usually go at least once a week (except this week, there was nothing I really wanted to see) and I too find MOST theatre seats to be very comfortable - plus air conditioning is great in the summer. **
If you lived somewhere beyond the igloos, there would be so much going on, that movies rank very low in priority…
Also, if you lived somewhere nice, like say, San Francisco, you would never need air conditioning.
and finally, what about the guy who “accidentally” kicks your seat every time he tries to get comfortable? Are you guys seriously telling me that you would rather have a stiff, barely padded arm of a chair between you and a soft cuddley woman? Would you install “movie seats” in your living room?
I think you guys are romanticizing the movie theaters a bit…