I am constructing an intro for a game based website.
Everything works perfect flash wise, untill i apply the sound file into the background. I created a new layer, and just did the drag and drop from the library. When i publish it, the quality of the sound file goes to ****. Is there any way to fix this problem?
(the sound file is a song, .mp3 format)
the only thing i can think of is: check your settings when you publish the movie. there may be some compression settings that are causing the sampling rate on the .mp3 file to go to ****
aside from the settings in flash when you publish it, i don’t have any ideas
If you want a seamless background song, import a WAV file, not an mp3. When you export the final movie, Flash will compress the Wav for you.
First import the song, open the Library, go to the properties of the song (within the library), then go to compression and choose mp3.
You will need to change the bit rate to at least 20kbps to uncheck the convert to mono.
Click on test to see how it sounds and that should take care of it.
Remember, only import mp3’s for sound effects because they don’t loop clean.
yep, sure is. don’t know if i did it right, but here is the code I used…
s = new Sound();
s.loadSound("music.mp3", true);
s.onSoundComplete = function() {
s.loadSound("music.mp3", true);
// creates an H Moebius loop for the background music
I always try to slip obsure movie references in with my code. Makes it more flavorful. That’s from 2010.
That is SO very sweet. To be honest, I am not sure. I wish they would have turned down the background music a notch so that the sound didn’t collide with the lady’s voice as much. It almost reminded me of nails on a chalkboard…eek…