I’ve created a “music interface” that has three buttons on it that let the user pick which background music they want to hear. Everything works great but I’m worried that the size of the flash movie is going to be way to big.
I’ve seen these sorts of interface’s on alot of sites. How are they doing it?
Are the audio files set to “event” or “stream”? Are they in completely seperate flash movies that have to load on the page via “loadMovie” or are they part of the “background”?
The audio I’m hearing on other people’s websites sounds great but, I can’t understand how? Do they not have to compress it? I’ve got a 2 second wave that I’ve tried compressing and I can only get it down to 90kb! (It sounds like crap too!)
Any tips and tricks or a reference to a related tutorial would be greatly, greatly appreciated!!!
once u save it into a directory on the web where the mp3 files are u need to rename the file names in the first frame of the movie file of the action script…
[AS]_global.songs = new Array();
_global.playing = “no”;
_global.currentSong = 1;
_global.songs[1] = “song1.mp3”; //the mp3 file uploaded into the same directory in the ftp as the swf file
_global.songs[2] = “song2.mp3”;
_global.songs[3] = “song3.mp3”;[/AS]
where the “song1.mp3” is u should rename that to the mp3 name u want to use…
[AS]nClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_global.title = new Array();
_global.title[1] = “Song 1”; //the text which will display on the player when the song is played (this should be the name od the song used and the artist)
_global.title[2] = “Song 2”;
_global.title[3] = “Song 3”;
for this where "Song 1" is u should change that to the full name of what ever u renamed the globalsong[1]...
The problem is, I don’t know where to find it. I’ve been looking through all the frames but I can’t locate it. Is this something I have to add myself somewhere?
your welcome, do u have any instant messaging programs i could add u in, if u use msn messenger pm me ur email that u use or if u use aim pm me ur screen name and the same with yahoo messenger
hmm, perhaps i’ll get some other files, the ones i tried were of the same vein. but i cannot understand it. i’ll check out your .fla again and see where it differs from mine. unfortunately it’s on a different machine.