What do the Kirupians think? This is only a few hours work… No preloaders yet, sorry… :z: On a nice track or what? Any ideas?
What do the Kirupians think? This is only a few hours work… No preloaders yet, sorry… :z: On a nice track or what? Any ideas?
I don’ think I’m feeling it. I like the spinning site coming soon thing, but the images seem low quality. If you can bump up the jpg quality a bit.
As far as I can see, there’s not need for a splash page and I don’t really think it does anything for your site except cause users to have to click another time to get to the site.
I’m not really into the background at all. It just looks like a bunch of PS brushes thrown together. The lack of any kind of border seems to hurt it as well. If you were trying to go for a more punk/diy look, try using higher contrast photos and get rid of that drab gray.
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