
hi guys, this is my first post on the forum but i have been reading them for awhile and have learned a lot. i know this should probably go in site check but since its not a full site yet posted it here

its a site i am making for my cousins hardcore/metal band.

i’ve heard it might be too dark on some comps but it looks good on mine, so if i could get some feedback on it, it would be great.


pretty cool! Maybe the conents area should be a bit bigger some way but it’s kinda cool! Now give the buttons a cool glow effect on rollover or something and it’ll be a masterpiece!

btw Welcome to kirupaforums!!!

thanks syko, i will look into making the content bigger!

no more replies? :frowning:

not bad at all! i like the graphical elements of it a lot, and it’s clear where the navigation is etc… and it’s not too dark on my monitor either

but i agree that there should be more space for content. That big diagonal thing going across the layout really cuts into the useable area

nice work though!