Basics for most of you

Basics for most of you but i am having a hell of a time understanding Flash …

I got some things moving around and all that.
However when i want to add something new halfway the timeline of the existing moving around stuf, lets say a ball turning into a square or whatever the shape tween normally showing up like an extended arrow, now turns up as a dotted line.

I am going sligtly nuts here.

simple expanation of what i mean.

…frame 80
(popups like a typewriter)text | ------------------|
(logo starts at frame 1)logo | ------------------
(same as logo ) background | ------------------

something new | ------------------|have it start @ 80 and

alright well you have a normal tween. then where ever in that tween you want to add a new object right click and select insert keyframe.

i suggest doing this in another layer actuatly.

but if your trying to get a square to move and then turn into a arrow you going to need to do a motion tween. to do this just put on object where you want it to start changing and then insert a blank keyframe where you want it to finish changing. and in the blank keyframe draw whatever you want to change the first object into. but instead of doing a motin tween select shape tween. and it should work.

alright man you edited that right after i replied and i dont really understand the whole typewriter thing.if you want e-mail me the fla if its just mx or anything lower.

Oke i made something simple

a square turning into a ball.
than tried to have a ball move in from the right to the left.

later on to be able to turn that ball into a long square so i can add text inside.

I am trying to create something like this.


or better yet something like this
Example 2

something else…

Comon people i know there is somebody there who can give the answer on what i am doing wrong. i seem not to be able to create 2 tweens on differant layers i really whish to know what i am doing wrong an other example file below

click on a tweened frame, then, in the properties inspector, click on the little warning sign.

for your first post simply group your circle on both keyframes.

for your 2nd post, you probably want a shape tween instead… with the tex, you are getting a dotted line because it has nothing on the 2nd keyframe… so it doesnt know wer it is tweening to.


The warning sign says the following

Motion tweening will not occur on layers with ungrouped shapes or on layers with more than one group or symbol

Oke explaining.

I took some big chunk of text and moving it from bottom to top looking like its scrolling with a motion tween. ( works Nice … )

Than i created a differant layer, clicked on frame 1 on that layer and made a circle on the left side.
than clicked on frame 30 inserted a keyframe. and took the drawn circle from the left to the right.

Clicked on motion tween again, and it gives me the dotted line.
result the text is still scrolling but the circle appears in frame 1 and than suddenly appears in frame 30

Now where in step one to the last one did i go wrong. Almost that desperate that i am about on going back to imageready lol. I have been busy with just these 2 things one compleet day!

ok it would appear i didnt exoplain myself properly.

you can only motion tween grouped objects.
motion tweening only works on singular objects.

on frame 29 you have a square, not a circle.
if you want it to transform into the square, change the tween to shape, if you want it to just move, replace the square with a circle and make sure both are grouped

the circle does not appear on frame 1.
it appears on frame 15 (where you drew it first).
it disappears because it does not know what to do because you have not grouped it. and as both myself and flash itself have tried to inform you, you cant motion tween an ungrouped shape (no matter how hard you try)!

the text works because it is tweened correctly in the movieclip it is in.
you do not need another motion tween unless you want it to move again, in which case you need 2 keyframes for it to tween between, a start frame and a finish frame if you will… at the moment it only has a start frame. hence your dotted line.



Note im going by what you have in your fle dummy2.fla