ok ill start now I should be done in like 1-2 hours
okey. i may not get something back up for a while though. but i’ll try fast as i can. rock on i’m excited. my first “battle.”
lol well here we go get your game face on and prepare for a good/challenging time for both of us
hey when you’re done, are you gonna hook me up with the psd file? can you do that on here or are you gonna have to email it to me?
not sure how this forum works in the file uploading area or w/e.
i can e-mail it to you
Give me anoth 45 min and it will be done
ok. erikwoods at comcast dot net
alright im almost done
Ok I have finished mine I’m posting it in 5min and sending you the work.
Ok here it is everyone my first serve
took me 2 hours
ok. i’ll have something by tomorrow night. maybe sooner. i have crap going on right now.
thats cool I would love it it people gave there opinion
Alright man. Here’s my “attack,” if you will.
I’m not that great… but yeah i took my time on this and it’s ok. Fairly happy with it.
what do y’all think?
idolthoughts… i’ll be emailing you the psd shortly.
oh and take time on your battle images yo. you’re always like… “it only took me two hours.” that’s not necessarily something to be proud of man. quickness doesn’t always mean quality. take yo time homie!
wait a sec though… is my image supposed to say round one instead of two?
yeah i still don’t know how that works out. is it round two at the second image, or at the second time that the other person puts up an image?
Hey idol… um… the file was way too big to email… so i’m putting it up on the internet and i’ll give you a link to download it, okay? it’s like 44MB or something.
I’ll put all my psd files there for you… as we progress.
anyhoo… it’s at about 9% right now… and it’s going fairly fast… so yeah it should be up for ya soon. i’ll email you the link to the page that has the file.
sorry about all that.
ok cool thanks mr.e i was wondering were it was.
send it to untoldtruthd@yahoo.com
38% now.
so any comments on my image? does it look nice or is it retarded?
I like yours except the index finger looks too distorted… but yeah i duno…
I like the text effect you gave the title where it says “and then the evil came.”
the face… how did you do that? just liquify it or somethin?
43% almost there.
wellI really like how you used the hand over the girl really nice. Um the face well that is actually the back of a mans head and I used smudge and air brush to my ability and then imported creepy eyes and a mouth. the hand kinda pissed me off cause I couldnt get it perfect but it looks ok you did a great job though.
thanks- you too man.
I’m working on two awesome collaborations with a buddy of mine right now… so it’s good that it’s your turn in this battle because I gotta work on these right now. I’m excited about these.
83%. I’ll be emailin’ you shortly.
alright cool I will get started as soon as it gets here If im lucky I’ll have it up by eather tonight or tomarrow morning. Not saying I want to Rush but usually if I take longer I start to hate it and want to start over so ya.
ahhhhh i got an error saying it couldn’t refresh the folders or something retarded like that.
grrrr. now i gotta re try it. this is tickin’ me off.