lol man that sucks how big of a file is it mine worked right away.
mine is 44MB. yours was like 2MB.
It has been up for a while now. Just to let you know. I forgot to email you way back when i finally got it online.
K this one took me awhile I’ll say a good 6 hours without moving and am I sore I am just putting the finishing touches on it and I shall post it later tonight well actually since its 12:58 here right now tomarrow early AM hours.
ok everyone I have finished Round three. here it is
hey it looks nice bro.
blueness. \m/. I think i’m gonna use the kid for mine. maybe a summer theme type deal.
I’ve never really timed myself on how long it took me to do a certain graphic… but maybe I will this time for my next shot.
EDIT: hey i didn’t even notice you used the same text as me… the little “determining body frame type” text. yeah it’s hard to see unless you’re lookin for it- but that’s cool. ya used two of my things. rock on.
we gotta start addin’ more crap like that so there’s more to choose from for the next person.
okay this is my last post until i’m done with mine, i swear.
ok so i lied. i have no fricken clue what to do with this man. how to incorporate something, at least. i thought i’d be able to change the color of the child without screwing it up… but it looks like crap. do you have the original of that pic? before it was all blue?
I have no clue what to do.
hey idolthoughts, you really need to have a thumbnail gallery, it takes waaaay too long for all those pictures to load. That server,, SOOOO slow. Even a gallery of just text links, anything, but having to wait for every picture to load at the same time is just too much.
ya moncrey I know It sucks I’ll get something going. and ya I do have the original I’ll send it to ya.
cool, man.
actually that border does look better than it did last night on AIM (i only had the patience for the top half of the picture to load), but maybe thats because it was showing up real small on my screen before.
alright man. thanks.
k man im sending it now
hey sorry i haven’t done anything yet. um these last couple days have been depressing for me and i’m going through changes right now in my life and stuff and yeah… sorry. but i’ll have something up before too long. won’t be anything fancy, though.
Hey dude take your time… Your life is more important than some graphics battle. Get things straightened out at home, then worry about the other stuff.
Okay. I got round 4 done.
But beware, it’s retarded! Seriously. So gay lookin. Click here.
Idol thoughts- check that web page i gave you for the psd in a zip file. same site, different zip link.
Alright alright I think I have done it heres my not so great but equally weird and different grungy o who cares round five found here
hey man i really like that. it’s nice.
so… last round is on me, eh? I suppose this wasn’t a bad battle for my first ever.
Sorry if I dissapointed you and this wasn’t any fun! ha.
send that psd when you can bro.
ya man ill send it now and we arnt on the last round yet we have 5 each so we end when you hit round 10. do the math. i get 5 you get 5 lol.