Battle anyone?

coming soon sorry man ive had no time been seeing a doctor for my back he says i have the back of a 60 year old and now im taking meds and going to physical theropy.

aah! 60? I hope you are able to de-age your back a little!

holy cow! wow man yeah don’t wanna mess around or slack when you’re takin’ care of somethin’ like that.

hey i got the psd for your round 9 image. i will let ya know when i’m done.

Ok here is my final round

my final serve is at
every image can be found at
could somebody please make a poll for this finished battle? Thanks a ton!

because i don’t think i’m aloud to post a poll, for some reason. I’ve tried. are moderators the only people that can do this?


ok i know that we suck at graphic design (well at least I do), but could you humor us anyways? lol.

and the poll is at for anyone viewing this.

hope someone votes, lol.