Battle anyone?

okey dokey. that’s fine with me bro.

hey did you get my PSD???

no sir- i have not yet received your psd file

ok sorry about that my file was to big as I thought I will have to post it on a site I shall put it up then let you know

ok sorry for the wait I couldnt get away from the girlfriend and the buying of a new car. so I have the PSD for ya its at

alright. thanks.
so you bought a new car? what’d ya get?

I just bought a 1990 honda civic SI hatchback 2 door 5-speed manual, red. So ya I cant wait to see what else you do.


there’s round 6.
check that one website i gave you a long time ago for the psd, yo.

man that was quick lol ok well let me get started and ill post the PSD alot sooner this time.

alright i have finished posting it ASAP in deviant Ill post the link when I get done.

Ok here it is
Posting the PSD soon same place.

\m/ alright man

those last two are pretty tight. Keep up the good work.

Thanks man we shall try our best to keep them good lol

and yeah i did do that last round pretty fast, eh? compared to my other ones. And I like it better than any other ones i’ve done so far. but that’s most likely because it means something to me.

it’s my “friend” and her daughter. my “friend” kinda pushes her fears away in hopes that they’ll just disappear. yep. that’s what that one’s al about.

and I say “friend” in quotes because she’s fricken confusing and more than a friend but not my girlfriend. oye. women. can’t understand 'em.

hey is that psd up yet?

almost heres the link again

okay. my serve is at
I don’t know why I like using girls so much in my images. ahhh, the obsession.

anyhoo… I think that this is my favorite so far in this battle. Not much to it but nice.
i think I put some creative thought into this one- as far as incorporating your little number sign. did you notice what i did with it?

anyhoo… the psd should be on that site soon bro. in about ten minutes. you prolly won’t read this before it’s up… so go there and get it. mwa ha hah aa. okay i’m done.

what do y’all think of my serve?

Hey i’ll make a page with all of our images on it, for easier viewing when the people vote for the winner, okay? It’s already made… thumnails and all.
Just need to get these last two rounds done and over with… then we shall see what happens.

rock on.

so what’s up with round 9?