For Flash projects that will be viewed at varied size depending on the viewer’s display setting resolution, what dimensions should the project be designed at?
For example, for a Flash demo that will be viewed at full screen size by many different people, one person might have his monitor set to 1024x768, another person could be viewing at 800x600, another at 1280x1024, etc.
Is it better to design at the highest resolution possible, or the lowest resolution (800x600?) or something in the middle? What will look the best on the most screens?
Also, what fonts and font settings (anti-aliasing on/off?, etc )are best for projects that will be scalable like this? What looks best when scaled large and small on screen? (I’ve tried bitmap fonts from FFF, but I find them limiting, even when the anti-alias is clicked off on them)
Thank you for any advise or rules-of-thumb you can share.