Hi guys and girls. I just want to thank all of the Kirupa memebers for the amazing growth we’ve had in the past year. Im very proud to be a part of this ever growing community. When i first joined kirupa was in its infancy and now, its matured quite a lot. I’m very pleased with the way the drawing and design section has grown from a forgotten corner to a big part of the kirupa forum. Keep up the good questions, the reliable answers and the close friendships. Cheers.
I was here before either of you, [SIZE=1]I think, anyway…[/SIZE] so there!
I have to say though, that this forum has grown massively since I firs saw it. And a special mention must go to David who answered my first ever question on here, and Montoya who answered my second.
Plus people like you guys, Edwin et al, who keep inspiring me. :beam:
haha. thanx angel ;). since we’re on the subject of david, id like to mention that i actually met david through another board called KIR. it dealt with science and philosophy, then i randomly found him on here. lol. ive known the guy for over 2 years now.
I’ve already said that, but I like to repeat it: David has always been my Jedi Master, starting from the golden days of the Ezboard. Long time ago… :elderly:
I joined July 22, 2002. The day after I started learning AS. Superfrappe and Jubba were the first ones to actually post in there when I posted the thread.
well since there is a thread all about thanking people for there help i decited to stop by.
First i would like to thank everyone that has helped me with every single question that i had when i first started off here. i didnt know any thing about any thing.
Thanks to all of you for making this a cool place to be for hanging out and getting great, technical help! We’ve come a long way since ezboard or even MSN.
I can’t believe I missed this thread, how rude of me. It’s time to say thanks to everyone that has helped me since I joined. Syko answered my first question and David answered my second, Lost, Sen, and Pom inspired me to push forward with AS, Kit, Dan and Edwin amazed me with their artwork, alethos and 3d-iva got me interested in game design which I plan on majoring pretty soon, Eilsoe and Guigo wowed me with their pixel arts, Phil and Rev made me laugh with their wierd sense of humor, Mak just straight out scares me, Playamarz with his kick a$$ gaming and AS knowledge, and last but not least, Kirupa, just blew me away how someone could create such an amazing website at such a young age.
If I missed anyone then its obvious you’re not important so don’t worry about it…hahaha j/k