Kirupa - memory lane

’when i was a lad’

kirupas message board was an Ezboard and only had a few boards to post on…

the actionscript board had a mere two pages of posts and suprabeener was a ledgend of scripting (and still is)…

the great artist Edwin was just finding his feet with okay (still decent) pictures.

dan (telekineses) had a footer that ate everyones processor with 3D stuff on it… pretty decent but footer rules have changed since then.

i could go on all day but il leave it open for others great kirupa memories.

Ah yes, back when I first became a member… hmmm yeah ok not much has changed :-\


…OH but the redesign that happened, what, 2 months ago? Thats something!

Sen if I think hard enough - I can remember that one two - wow… what a long far off place:)

Hehe that makes ME a recent member, mmh new, fresh blood to strengthen the lines (sorry i’m still playong world dominion)…

…when kirupa was the only person helping on all the boards, so i stepped in to help, eating people’s CPUs with my random() footers…

Ahh yesI remember the EZ Board… That was when I was more into flash before I decided I was a bad artist. =) But the people kept me comming back so here I am hehe. =)



anymore memories you have stored in your brain people?

um, i remeber my days before monday (when i joined). I was Kirupa deprived. I was lost and lonely in a flash world with no-one to guide me. Then, like a shining light in the sky, kirupa came upon my browser and is now guiding me through my ‘trying-to-do-decent-flash’ life.

verily, there will be much rejoycing. For is it not written: ‘Where there is Kirupa, there is a way’

It was still EZboard when I first joined. And David was the first person to answer my questions. Closely followed by Montoya. :slight_smile:

ah… so romantic.

Dan was the first to answer mine i cant exactly remember what it was but it was relating flash

I joined during the EZboard era but have never really posted much since a good ol’ search usually turns up the answer.I think David was first to help me. but my first main posting was in a heated debate with Phil if I remember right.

upu as he was called… david that is :slight_smile:

ah soo fond :slight_smile:

He still has the Upuaut identity, you know. We keep it locked away in a display cabinet and it gets taken out for special occasions. :slight_smile:

yup, he leads a double life in the best of kirupa section

Triple life - have you seen the Flasher photograph? :slight_smile:


yes. yes I’ve seen that photo. David’s naked body has had a profound effect on my mental wellbeing.

You’ll notice how no-one else has done one of those.

And before anyone even <i>thinks</i> of saying it - no I’m not. :stuck_out_tongue:

…I’ve done too many of 'em. just not about to post them on the intarweb(censored or not).
The thought of young girls pleasuring themselves whilst ogling my sinewy, muscular body…it just doesn’t bear thinking about…


So… subject change, anybody?

where’s David? how’s that.

has he been lurking in MX or Actionscript or has he dissappeared?