worked pretty good for me, just laged a little at a few parts. that’s pretty amazing. i looked at the source code and was amazed at how simple it was. i thought everything was done so clean and smooth, i’d love to design something like that.
Here is the intro movie: I had to save it to the hard drive and then watch it because it simply wouldn’t display anything beyond a white screen Very awesome though - you have to check out the main site; nicely done!
THe whole thing worked smoothly for me. I thought that voice over in the intro was kind of chessey but the intro it self was cool. I liked the first 3d robot hting but it never moved which was a let down YOu jsut rotat around it and click on a sign. Then you wait for a preloader then click again to enter. Seemed a little long to navigate but it is impressive never the less. To bad he took so long to make it casue now ever one had been making 3D sites and it is all trendy.
Amazing site indeed. Very cool! The intro was nice and smooth on my machine (PIII 500 Mhz), but the site itself was a bit slow sometimes.
What 3D program is used for this kind of stuff? Maya? Or can you accomplish the same with… let’s say Cinema 4D?
yes what did you use to make it!!! The itnro is kinda annoying tho since you havta download it onto your harddrive but its amazing…
3DSM and Photoshop is what he mentions in the site. I’m assuming he used those.
oops, I was watching the animations so much I didn’t notice there actually was information on his website
Ok it works now, awesome :beam:
- Soul :s:
I wounder how he got his voice to be just like the movie producer man
NO LAGGING for a Pentium4 :)))))
He probably got a radio DJ or a friend with that kind of voice to recored it. COuld be him t owith soem modifying in sound foarge or something.
This is one of the best new media sites I’ve ever seen. The second to Eric Jordans online playground a longtime ago. Very, very nice. I think this guy has expertise in Premier, After Effects. He managed to glue me to my seat. Like watching a movie. Very nice. I think Eric Jordan could use the creative thinking of this guy too!
PS. v4 is about to go live in less than 26 hours.
Jacob Neilsen will get a kick out of this!
Yes I asked him that night about the voice over and he told me he hired a professional voice guy for it.
Sup turbo (its dan4885 from BB forum)
this site is way more impressive than 2As new website im sorry to say, heck EG website is more impressive than @a if ya ask me then again that just my opinion but this site rocks good sh!t all da way man
*Originally posted by grimdeath *
**this site is way more impressive than 2As new website im sorry to say, heck EG website is more impressive than @a if ya ask me then again that just my opinion but this site rocks good sh!t all da way man **
I wouldn’t know… Billys site crashes my sytem because it is so CPU intensive
it works fine for me, but man is it huge. Even with broadband (1.5) it takes forever to navigate through…
ego, ego, ego…
that is all I have to say…
the site is not made to “get business” that’s for sure…
its a personal portfolio so its not an actual get business site but christ it is amazing what this guy did he used video effects imported as mpgs and controlled them with flash how i do not know but its very impressive
Im starting to wonder what kind of computers you people have that im hearing so much complaints?? well when you have the chance on a better system visit this site and be amazed this guy has some awesome transition that i think can only be done in one of those video editing apps he uses because photoshop wont do none of those bad @zz transitions he used especially when the 3d machine thingy morphs to the signs of the sections
Indeed its very cool. But I think the site is on the limit of being “overflashed”. I mean so much download for so little content… Yes the animations are all cool, and it probably took him forever to make that, but it pretty much violates the whole purpose of usabilty for the internet.