well said valor.
I do not say it is bad, just wayyyyyy overdone, for the sole purpose of his ego.
JMO tho.
well said valor.
I do not say it is bad, just wayyyyyy overdone, for the sole purpose of his ego.
JMO tho.
Good point Reverend. :pope:
There must be like 5 or 6 different poses of himself (excluding the intro, which i found rather tacky) and there arent even that many sections in his site…
Dont get me wrong, i cant do any of those animations. I just think that being such an admired figure in the flash community, he would have “shown us the way” as did Eric Jordan with 2advanced.
yeah I said that in some other post he seems to be stuck on his self. But those transitions are truely amazing I am trying to figure em out but cant. I have not been this enthused over a site in a while between eg and this one I have renewed interest in 3ds max
well his sites still not completely done but noetheless tis rather impressive, this guy shows you he has online and offline as well as tv quality talent which is great. What really impresses is the the way he incorporates all these programs capabilities and features and puts them to good use with flash this website alone should be used as a sample of the kind of work flash mx can put out with the proper knowledge and talent. That is all i gots to say.
over at teh forums there was talk of possibly director involved. not to sure though…the guy is a genius. i dont care how stuck up he is, he did this by himself, 2a is amazing, but they had a team, same with FI, this is a single man job…
my sentiments exactly :beam:
*Originally posted by mdipi.com *
**over at teh forums there was talk of possibly director involved. not to sure though…the guy is a genius. i dont care how stuck up he is, he did this by himself, 2a is amazing, but they had a team, same with FI, this is a single man job… **
Only took him over a year :thumb:
his ego will go away eventually. Especially in a few years when he isn’t pushing the envelope any more… or newer, younger people come up and kick his arse…
amazing how life tends to make one more humble…
*Originally posted by reverendflash *
**his ego will go away eventually. Especially in a few years when he isn’t pushing the envelope any more… or newer, younger people come up and kick his arse…
amazing how life tends to make one more humble…
Rev **
Jesus rev, sounds like you hate this guy with a passion.
no, not at all…
sorry if it sounds that way.
it was just an observation of life…
most young people’s ego goes away after a few knocks from reality…
I actually have no feelings one way or the other for BB. He is a great artist.
yeah i was starting to wonder why people are saying this guys ego is way up their, im mean pardon me not reading this thread since the first page but what did he say or do that you guys are saying his ego is high??? just curious
I can testify to that… I had my ego slashed by some young bucks
he just has, the way he sometimes talks over at his forums. but we need to get him for an interview! (dans idea)
I think billybusy.com is his very own online playground. And when we talk about how “aesthetically” not very new the new 2A design is, we know that they had great improvements to it. Dynamic data is the new thing.
yep it is. its just for looks i feel, for both. why dont you join the BB Forums? dan is there and so am i,its slow but not TOO bad…
*Originally posted by 3d-iva *
**I can testify to that… I had my ego slashed by some young bucks **
If you’re lucky, you’ll only loose an arm… I got mine right at the knees…
tough lesson to swallow…
<b>and just for the record. </b>I said the layout was for his ego, not that he was all full of ego… therefore justifying his high bandwidth… it’s his site, he can do what he wants.
I also said he is an amazing artist.
ive known billy for 2 years and have seen a lot of the stuff that was in his site before it even came out. That being said i like his site but i think his original vision of it was grander, im kinda dissapointed. ( I also dont like the new 2a)
and I believe he worked for like 48hrs+ finishing it last fri, sat and sun hes told me he made 7 versions before he made this one but deleted them all cause he did not like them at all.
Look at this “professional” critique our members as “noobs”:
his site is 404…
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