Billy Bussey

You have to give it to him, he is more interactive with his fans than most designers (flashlevel, ect.)

Humm they took some offensie to my comments about some of the ppl on bb forums. Truth can kind of hurt i guess. It was in no way supossed to be an insult to Billy. Maybe things have changed there sence my last vist but that was jsut the vibe i got from the majority of posts i saw.

I thought i gave a pretty good review of the site. Of course my spelling was awful lol.

i think its changed…

Whats your username there?

It was the same as here but i can’t remember my password. The re view and the comment that offended the bbforum guys are in this thread.

dan your new footer is tight. You are the king of tweens

i like the old font more though…:-\

I dod not post much there i go there to learn not chat so I mainly read posts and then go to next forum I am more involved on

I am involved in all three, but moderate only 2 of them :stuck_out_tongue:

i am a member over at AC…hmm i think i posted two times, but i got new work so i will go back. Dan (over at bb) is an admin right? him and JNicklo? (i think thats his name…)

whats the address for AntiCubical? i tried but it doesnt work ;(

billy must think he’s real good looking with all those pictures of himself

i was just htere. its diff, i am used to flash forums, this is all about art.

looks pretty cool, not really my type of forum though

thats what i thought too. but i am going to give it a try, so far its slow. but eh, no biggy. i know a few guys from BB over there, but thats about it you know?

im usually pretty hesitant when it comes to joining forums. i joined, and stayed there for a couple of weeks. i havent been back in ages. Kirupa is by far my most active forum, but i occasionally drop by some others (, xxviiinetforum).

really? i suppose i am too. it depends who i know. i tend to stick to places i know people at, or they are well known. i usually see people from here all over though: FI: Sen, Were-here - i joined not knowing he was there

dan: BB, was gonna join no matter what, saw a post, reged taht day.

AC: found through a BB member, found dan there.

lol see its a cycle. you see them everywhere.

I know this thread isn’t here just to help me, but please keep the comments coming guys, it helps me sort through the bad stuff.

I forget who said it, but someone said they lost their password, you can email me and I can recover it for you.

BB, it’s an honor to have you as a member here. Your site is really great and you’re a true inspiration.

Keep up the good work :thumb:

That would be me. I’m almost certain my user name was “sintax321”. You can e-mail it to me at It would be greatly aprreciated.(-: