Billy Bussey

omg I felt like giving that puke a piece of my mind. N00bs. assshole.

I think this site is the best thing since sliced bread right now. He must did not read all the way thru. We have some truly talented peeps here. And if we formed a studio somehow from a handful of peeps here in Kirupa. We’d kick the shiiit out of everyone. (i bet)

sorry for my language now I am back to calm self and having fun :slight_smile:

*Originally posted by telekinesis *
**Look at this “professional” critique our members as “noobs”: **

Hey dan, do you think I can take bdstudios in actionscript? :evil:

lol… j/k :trout:

Why are people trying to bring down an other great site? Though it’s that usable, it still is a great work. And I think those who were to view it were in some way inspired to do some 3d art. I know I was and made me realise that I have alot to learn! :-\

thanks for all the comments guys :slight_smile:

WOW the man himself! autograph? :stuck_out_tongue:

Form an orderly queue. :wink:

And welcome to the forums. :slight_smile: Cool, I get to be the first person to say that for once. :stuck_out_tongue:

I think iron should make a huge battle with billy. Because both kick ***. That would be great.

Welcome Billy, btw :slight_smile:

was there a bussey sighting here also? I dont think it was really him. I would have said more

No he wouldn’t have, I have been a member of his forum for about 2 years. He keeps the keyword ‘minimal’ into mind when he posts. Plus he has posted here before. . . .

oh ok. I would think he would drop more words seeing as how he has pics of him everywhere on his work

Nah, Dans right, i’ve seen his posts at his forum (although not a member, I do occasionally browse), and he really never says much at all.

no he doesnt say much. but whats his name here? i figured that was him.

btw lost, i dont know to much about bd, but i bet you could take him, if not it would be a good fight!

LIB I would place my $$$ on you since you have always helped me bring my erratic ideas to life in AS.

see i dont really know bd too well, he is new there, but my money is on you too

Hehe, I don’t know bd either, thats why I was joking, for all I know he doesn’t even know AS.

I doubt he does, look at his splash:

If you are going to use a stretch effect don’t have it being basic. I learned that the hard way when people gave me **** on mine:

that orb doesnt fit at all…

nahh Billy is actually not like his site potrays he actually does that stuff with pictures of him self in hats as a sorta joke and fun way of putting himself on the site. He is actually a really cool guy. I have been a member of his forum since over 2 years.

turboe…i have only seen you one time and i have been tehre since november. and yeah he is a good guy, but quiet