Black eye-rings...yeesh

Anyone here have black eye-rings under their eyes?? raises hand meee :frowning:

Can’t think of anything to write but does anyone know how to [color=red]GET RID OF THEM!??!?![/color]
I’m trying to find that out.

There’s a poll as well.

black eye rings? bags?. I just get sleep or you can massage it a bit

It is due to spring, coming in… you porberly have hey- fever or some allergy at this time, i always get that the best way to stop it is with an anti histameen (SP?) like tellfast or claratine(sp?)

or i could be lack of sleep. one of the two.

Nah, I’ve had them for years…i do sleep late though…but does it matter what time i sleep as long as i sleep for at least 8 hours?

It just runs in some families, if that is so in your case I don’t think there is much that you can do …

if not, it does matter when you sleep. I read somewhere that the night-owl lifestyle is not natural for humanoids.

Nah, my bros don’t have it much…thx fer ur help anywayz :smiley:

Maybe you get them from making too much polls.

J/K :stuck_out_tongue: :wink:

no i started to get them but as i am from modelling background it started annoying when my friends started mentioning that, so i got my act togather and was back on normal 8 hour sleep, exercising, spending less time on computer.

Basically its all related to howmuch you sleep and your emotional state, time i started getting them was when i was pretty down, i cleared everything step by step, made a schedule and followed it strictly.

i seee

Maybe you get them from making too much polls.

J/K :stuck_out_tongue: :wink:

haha :stuck_out_tongue:

I lost mine when I quit smoking half a year ago!

mine show up when i quit smoking :stuck_out_tongue:


I have strong black eye rings, but normally I am abled to get rid of them by
-drinking a strong black coffee in the morning
-jogging outside in the sun
-and having a nice medium-cold shower.

since I am quite lazy I leave out step 2 during workdays


one-word posting may result a single black eye from time to time too :stuck_out_tongue:

:panda: <-- like that one? :smiley:

putting cold, wet teabags usually brings down the swelling. use a concealer stick on them too if you want, or a tinted moisturizer. Look in the ladies eye cream, there’s all kinds of creams to tighten under-eye circles




Edit: So will I get double black eye rings now?

I don’t have “black” rings per say, but they’re a darkish purple.

I don’t have “black” rings per say, but they’re a darkish purple.

mine are blinking in rainbowcolors

[size=1][color=silver]no, not really[/color][/size]