i once worked 36 hours straight my muscles were moving on there own i was like whoa i cant control myself lmao
just get some rest and get off you pc for a few hours
I can’t get off the PC because I need it for assignments. I’ve been sleeping 7-8 hours which is standard I guess? I’m doomed forever with this crazy eye! haha ahhh
Some people work better on LESS sleep … just a thought.
But honestly, if you just look aside from the computer screen for a minute or two every so often (I have a bouncy ball I usually play with at regular intervals), you’ll be helping out your eyes if you know it or not.
You don’t have to feel like your eyes are being strained for you to acctually be straining your eyes.
*Originally posted by BadMagick *
**Some people work better on LESS sleep … just a thought.
But honestly, if you just look aside from the computer screen for a minute or two every so often (I have a bouncy ball I usually play with at regular intervals), you’ll be helping out your eyes if you know it or not.
You don’t have to feel like your eyes are being strained for you to acctually be straining your eyes. **
I do exactl ythe same thing. A bouncy ball or a stress ball comes in real handy.
*Originally posted by BadMagick *
**Some people work better on LESS sleep … just a thought.
But honestly, if you just look aside from the computer screen for a minute or two every so often (I have a bouncy ball I usually play with at regular intervals), you’ll be helping out your eyes if you know it or not.
You don’t have to feel like your eyes are being strained for you to acctually be straining your eyes. **
or some ppl go and make themselves some more coffee every now and then
Last night I was doing physics homework real late and I was about ready to pass out. Despite this, I found that I understood the concepts more, I was more focused, and I was smoothly doing the mathematical operations.
Also, if I end up getting 4-5 hours of sleep, I have more energy in the morning and feel generally better, but by afternoon i’m dozing off.
*Originally posted by thoriphes *
**but by afternoon i’m dozing off. **
Yeah, this happens to me too, always in the last period of the day (2-3 o’clock about) I’m falling asleep, then after that hour passes I’m wide awake again and can’t get to sleep even if i try before midnight or one
*Originally posted by Yeldarb *
**Yeah, this happens to me too, always in the last period of the day (2-3 o’clock about) I’m falling asleep, then after that hour passes I’m wide awake again and can’t get to sleep even if i try before midnight or one **
So nice to know I’m not the only one whose body works this way!
Being in college, sleep is more of a reward for me than anything. If I can get 4 or 5 hours, I’m happy! :thumb: I go through that down period around 2:30 each day, then once I weather that storm, I’m up until crazy times of night again.
*Originally posted by TOOL *
**I know alot of people here would spend most of the day (and night) on a computer. Just wondering if anyone has had some form of a RSI?
At the moment one of my eyes has been twitching for close to 2 weeks now and it’s really giving me the ****s. Any suggestions to get rid of it?
used to get pain in my elbow (not sure if it was rsi or tennis elbow) when I played quake3. the desk was really small and so my elbows weren’t supported by the desk. needless to say - I changed the layout pretty sharpish