Blurry Text In Photo Shop


I am creating an A4 poster in Photoshop 6 but when i type some text it looks blurry. I have tried adjusting the anti-aliasing but this eother makes the text look blocky or even more blurry. Any help would be much appreciated.

Thank You

Does the text still look blurry when set to crisp in the Anti-aliasing toolbox?

Is the text rendered and behind a layer that has been gaussian blurred (and has opacity attaching)?

Difficult to suggest more without seeing the image.


I tried to send the file but it says it too big. Will try again later.
I tried doing a similar thing in CorelDraw10 and the text didnt
come out blury but CorelDraw doesnt seem to have the filters you
get in Photoshop. Are there any filters available for CorelDraw?

Thank You

mmhh there are several reasons you’re text might come out blurry:
a) as cello said it’s the antialiasing options, crisp, sharp or the two others i dont remember, check this option
b) you saved as a low-qal jpeg, blurs text and make everythign come out ugly
c) you are using a zoom in photoshop - make sure you work at special size, ie not 66% nor 33% nor other weird percentage. Try to keep zoom to 12.5%, 25%, 50%, 100%, 200% and so on…
d) — try to post your psd or send it to people, using mail… =)

cheers, mlk

I have posted an example psd file. It contains some text and I have switched the anti-aliasing option to none. This makes it look blocky. This is the best I could do because my main file is well bigger then 100k and its hard to get the PSD file down to 100k.

Thank You

Having a look at this now - will get back to you!


…this one got me going a bit :wink:

You were right - the text would not render properly and was indeed very blocky.

I eventually found out the problem however.

With your document open, going to image/image size I found that the resolution was set at 58.42 dpi. At the setting the screen had no chance of rendering it cleanly - it must be at 72dpi (although it can be more).

I’ve changed it for you in the attached zip.

Hope this helps.
