Anyone have any good tips on getting crisp text (for web) in Photoshop? Without setting anti-aliasing to none?
I am sure ppl that use photoshop know what I mean about how it looks slightly blurry when viewed online.
I have not been able to find any good advice :-\
do pixel fonts work in photoshop?? never tried but that may be what he (or she) is talking about. But other than that turn off alia is the only other way I know of. Actually unless you wanna get into alpha channels or zooming in real close and changin pixel by pixel the alias color. (real tedious)
The whole point is, I don’t want a pixel font and I dont want to set the aa to none. I want it to not look pixely, but not blurry and I just thought maybe I missed out on a way to achieve this. I thank you for your efforts though…
:cyborg: I’m a she…
The best thing I can recommend is to play around with the aa setting until you acheive the look you desire. When it comes to tiny fonts (anything 10pt or below), however, I don’t think there’s a way to successfully achieve crisp small fonts without turning aa off.
Hi, I don’t think is anything you can do about sharp type from PS. It all comes down to resolution. 72 dpi is the max allowed for images on the web or screen view. Even if you import type from Illustrator or any other vector app. into PS. The resolution still the same (72dpi). Hope this can help.