Blurry Text


I am using Fireworks MX and am typing some text using the vectir text tool. The problem i am having is that whatever I type seems to come out blurry. I have tried all the different anti-alias options and am viewing my image at 100%. I had this same problem with Photoshop also and cant figure out how to sort it out. My resolution is set to 150dpi also. I just want to know how to make clear text without any jagged edges. I have seen nice smooth looking text on other websites so how do they do it? I thought anti aliasing was supposed to make the text more clear and less pixaly but it doesnt seem to work for me. Please help

Thank You

what type of font are you using? have you tried to use a different font? also, what size do you have the font at?

I am using Arial font at size 15. What is a good font and size to use?

hmm, thats a microsoft system font, it should be fine at any size from 9pts upward.

but just for testing purposes…try a different font (geneva or helvetica) and see if its still blurry. Maybe its corrupt?

also, are you on a mac or PC? as it is a microsoft font it can cause problems on some early macs…but newer macs should be fine.

I am using a PC. It seems to be fine in Corel Draw but seems to cause problems in Photoshop and Fireworks. I will try another font.


no problems…also check that you have the whole family of arial in your fonts folder…

try making the position of tyhe text an exact number for example in stead of the position being, 50.8 px make it 51 px, make it exact for both the x and the y axis.

it doesnt matter what your text co-ordinates are in Photoshop or Fireworks,…that rule applies to flash. :slight_smile: