Book Recommendation for color

Ok, I just went out and bought a book on color. It’s called “Color Index” by Jim Krause. It has about 1000 color combinations, and it’s the best thing that’s ever happened to me. I’m going to start making sites for money soon, and one of the things that worried me was how to pick colors. I’m not particularly creative in picking them, and I don’t want to be bound by monochromatic, similar, etc… you know those rules. By accident I found this book at barnes and noble, and it’s utterly amazing.

If you’re planning to do design for a living, I suggest you go out and get this book.

theres also a great app called color schemer its awesome and cheap it even has a preview where you can put the colors you choose on a preview website its awesome i highly recommend it

well yeah, but the problem is that programs like that, (I use one of those) is that they stick to traditional color rules. And you’ll notice that most of the design out there doesn’t stick to those rules.

I’m doing some tutorials on color theory for my website:love:
they arent gonna be that amazing yet, but they’ll be good eventually… you shoulda just went and payed a hundred bucks to view my website

I know color theory. My thing is that there are good color combinations that go outside of that.

How much did you pay for it lava?

s0o0o0oo0o0rry lava:*(
lol, if you pronounce that word its s(zero)o(zero)o(zero)o(zero)o(zero)o(zero)orry

do you have an clients yet?

it was 23 USD… that might be around 18 pounds or so?

and no, I dont have any clients yet. But I must go out and get them now. Or at least find a job.

Heh silly lava, too much! :P…

  • Soul :s:

I bought it on a whim. Besides… I couldn’t have been able to see from amazon if this book was the right one. Plus, I don’t like waiting for a book to be delivered.

You tell 'em Raf
Give em the old 1 2… Jab Jab

Hey I’m still Procrastinating on paper like I have been all week, I even stayed home today to do it. Go me!

Lava is in denial :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:

  • Soul :s:

i hate amazon

Just copy kirupa. Different shades of blue for everything :). You don’t need any other colors but blue and white.