Book Time!

Hey all i m going to buy some books on action scripting , i have been looking around and i need your opinion on which TWO
out of the three would be the best buy.



**ActionScripting in Flash MX
by Phillip Kerman **

**Macromedia Flash MX Designer’s ActionScript Reference
by John Davey, Glen Rhodes, Jen deHaan, Scott Mebberson, Sham Bhangal

**ActionScript for Flash MX: The Definitive Guide, Second Edition
by Colin Moock

I would take the last two… ASDG is a great book. Designer reference is another one :beam:

Moock. He’s very very good and you’ll learn a lot from reading his work.

*Originally posted by ahmed *
**I would take the last two… ASDG is a great book. Designer reference is another one :beam: **

Yeah i was told the ASDG is one of the best out there, you were talking about the designer reference one is that the other one i mentioned or are you talking about another book?

thanks ahmed and kit for your opinions.


I was try to say, ASDG is a great book, and ‘Macromedia Flash MX Designer’s ActionScript Reference’ is another great book :beam:

sweet so i’m set, ill buy those two! :slight_smile:

thanks again


this might be interesting too :slight_smile:

i got the first one for flash 5 and i love it! i think that is a buy, but since you are getting the last two… lol.

yeah i know , i like the first one as well, the link i have allows you to check out 52 pages from it, and it looked quite good, is it any better than the other two?

well i am learning it from scratch and i really really liked his style. and in the F5 book he has well over 150 more pages at the end of werkshops. So then you can apply it and test youself and such. that was a real turn on too.

*Originally posted by ahmed *
**this might be interesting too :slight_smile: **

that pocket thing is cool, though i would like the big book, some how feel like i m missing out on something if i got the small pocket book.

Back at square one, lol, i really do like the look of the first book i listed, though the last two are said to be the best books.


i dont think the pocket book has all the content the bigger book does, is this right?

Colin Moock is one of the most respected guys in the business. I don’t own a copy, but I’ve rad his book, and what isn’t in it isn’t work knowing. :slight_smile:

Check out his website too, it’s full of stuff that’s helpful.

ok, yeah i get ya kit. and i am going to buy the moocks’ book though , ahmed mentioned a pocket size one and i checked it out, it seems to be missing stuff that is in his larger size book.

is that the case that the smaller one is missing things that arent in the bigger book? or are you saying that what every he has taken out on the small copy is not worth learning, :-\