Good Or Poor?

Hi Guys!:flower:

My mum is buying me these two books for a good test result :thumb: but i dont know if they are any good they look good but i’m not sure if something else would be better. I am allowed like £35 max to spend on a book/books.

well heres the links so far.

1st 1

2nd 1

i was thinking about colin moocks book but it seems abit advanced for me and i want all round information.

Well, if you want all round information, no book is better than Moock’s. His book is not only a reference, but a good guide to using each and every function MX/5 has. I have his book for the Flash 5 Actionscript. You should get the MX version, as obviously, there are updated functions and such. If you want something similar to Moock’s book for free, simply turn to the help files. I can’t stop stressing how much those help files are valuable. There are examples for almost every function, property, etc. and it’s written so that you can somewhat understand how it functions. If you want to learn Actionscript, my suggestion is experiment :).

Moock’s books are the best…
I got his AS. Book, it rockxorz your boxorz!

but these books seem reasonable and theres a flash mx one and a action script one L/ i just dont know

Get the MX one if you like, but moocks book should be one of the two. If it looks too advanced, it probebly wont after you’ve gone through your other book. :slight_smile: