Books to use?

hey pple! i know some Flash, but i wanna unlearn all that i had learned and pick up flash “by the book”! wat’re the best Flash MX books out there for beginners?? Help me out here … thanks!


I have a book called

macromedia FLASH MX creative web animation and interactivity

by Derek Franklin

so far pretty good =)

How much ActionScripting would i need to be an expert in Flash? i wanna know the basics thoroughly before expanding into AScript. Is that reasonable? Are there Glash pros out there who don’t know AScript?

How much ActionScripting would i need to be an expert in Flash?

hmm… all of it?

i wanna know the basics thoroughly before expanding into AScript. Is that reasonable?

absolutely… and prefered

Are there [F]lash pros out there who don’t know AScript?

No. Reason: If they dont know actionscript then they’d be illustrator pros, since thats basically what flash is outside of actionscript (minus some tweening and sound options etc). You have your basic flash drawing and organizational concepts, and then you have your scripting. Scripting, and knowing how to use it, makes you a ‘Flash Pro’ (imho).

This doesnt mean you cant make some amazing things without being a pro though. Sure the pros can make some wild stuff, but all it takes is a good graphic design sense and some interesting ideas and you can wow anyone with only a limited knowledge of flash.

i have Flash Deconstruction from the good people over at Juxt Interactive. its a good book, but if you wanna learn flash from the very basics, try the tutorials that come with flash, then buy a simple book like Flash MX for Dummies or Actionscript for Dummies. i know the titles can be a little disheartening but they’re good books.


Actionscript for Dummies Hmmmm sounds like something i should buy lol, since i only use normal mode in As and they changed alot of script since flash 5 i think im gonna get this book ill post my opinions when i do


actionscript - the defnitive guide by colin moock is the best for actionscript. I have gone thro the first edition… i bet the second edition shld be very good… saw the reivews are nice…

*Originally posted by texbala *
**actionscript - the defnitive guide by colin moock is the best for actionscript. I have gone thro the first edition… i bet the second edition shld be very good… saw the reivews are nice… **


Well, should I learn AScript side-by-side with Flash? Would that make things much easier, or would I be killing myself?

learn flash first i’d say, the get into the coding. i just bought Flash to the Core by Joshua Davis and it rocks