
ok i will post this, its an explosion in 3ds Max 5. 17 Megs! :-\

well tell me what you think. wont be on my server for long though :hangover:

edit here is the link:

That’s pretty cool dippy
was it hard to do?

i can do that too… :smiley:

pretty slick man…Im diggin it…Did it take long to do?? Hey Dippy arent you doing maya also? If so which one do you like? I just cannot get into maya, but it seems so easy to do certain things. LW and Max got me all warped and cannot get into other apps

5 minz lol. 3d i WANTED to do maya but now i am getting better with 3ds so i am not going ot try maya. maybe later…

if oyu want to know how to do it let me know

you can save form there lol my buddy needed to so i posted it. if you want the 3ds file too lemme know