Bowling for columbine

*Originally posted by david *
**So I shouldn’t be allowed to hunt Thoriphes? **

Holy crap, i thought you meant to hunt me. i freaked out for a bit there. But yeah, i surely thouht about the arguments on hunting and sports alike. More in a sec, i have to go to class.

On top of every idea I throw out being butchered, I will add the clause “within reason.” Seeing as we are all sane human here (or at least most), I think that we can deduce from my crappy rhetoric that it is all within reason. My beef with the Tec-9 Company was that they advertised that it was able to reduce the appearance/clarity of fingerprints. …WTF!!!
Why would a law abiding person need that?

I think that that whole post above has proven a big point. No one knows the real solution because if someone did, we wouldn’t be here discussing it.

If people knew the answer on how do deal with gun control, it would have been done and we wouldn’t need to discuss this here. Everyone will never be pleased, so the interests of the majority must be put first. Total removal, as pointed out, is not good, but neither is turning a deaf ear. A compromise has to be made but it is still unclear what it is.

Bowling for Colombine was the best documentary I’ve ever seen.

Opened my eyes, and now I base all of my anti-america arguments on what I picked up from it.
Senseless killing going on just south of me.

And I’m carrying on something from the random forum’s thread ‘Only in America’
I think it was marz who said “We have most of our deaths by guns in big cities.”

Canada has big cities too, you know, you’re not the only one. :stuck_out_tongue: Toronto is sweet. And if you go on a good day, Montreal is the nicest city in the world. Sometimes people make fun of your french though…


I’m not saying Michael Moore isn’t right, but be careful not to base your opinions solely on something from the media. It is one man’s view of the situation, and he makes a lot of money when he ruffles feathers.

I urge you to do your own research, come to your own conclusions, and quote stats, not movies…

BTW - I’m glad you liked the movie. He makes statements that needed to be made.


Honestly, Rev, I’m not the most in touch guy. I read the local newspaper and watch the National at 10 every night, but that’s all. I don’t go to great lengths to gain knowledge, and when it is presented to me in such a wonderful way, as BFC was, I really enjoy it.

I would never ever ever have gone out to investigate this. Not by going to the states, not by going to the library, not by calling up Stats Canada.

I really absorbed that movie, and I think that it is factual enough. It’s better if 10% of the population knows half the facts from a movie, instead of 1% of the population knowing all the facts from books.

I’m sorry to hear that.

For someone so passionate about voicing his opinion, I would have figured you to be in search of the truth.

Huh, go figure.


Rev is right. Though I do trust Moore to tell the truth that is only because I’ve researched past subjects that he’s gotten me into. Don’t trust anyone right off the bat though who has something to be gained by their actions or what actions they can convince you to perform.


Originally posted by david
So I shouldn’t be allowed to hunt Thoriphes?

Holy crap, i thought you meant to hunt me. i freaked out for a bit there. But yeah, i surely thouht about the arguments on hunting and sports alike. More in a sec, i have to go to class.


don’t you guys (americans) feel a little unsafe living somewhere with so many guns around? im glad our government decided to get rid of guns…:slight_smile:

Heh, Rev. I like saying what I think, yeah, but I’m not going to invest a lot of time in casual chatting.

If it meant something, literally made a difference to me, of course I would go out and do some research.

I just don’t care about it that much. I want it to be fun, not work. I have enough work in my life.

Sorry Aislin:

I just thought you had more of a desire to learn, not just spout info from someone else’s research.

If your life is so full at 15 that you can’t take the time to find your truth, then I hate to think about what it will be in a few years when you really have a few responsibilities…

It’s a sad state that the teens of this world don’t like to read…


I LOVE reading. I’ve made that quite clear before. I burn through books like nobody’s business, but not things that I’m not terribly interested in.

I have a shelf of at least 100 books that I can’t bear parting with, and that’s a fraction of the one’s I’ve traded in at the used book place, to get some more.

I read, but I read only what deeply interests me. I love fantasy, I love fiction relating to ‘Counter-Strike-esque’ topics.

I DO NOT, however, enjoy reading through countless numbers, through boring and useless facts. I read for fun, not for work. Like I’ve said, I have enough work. School is a *****, my job is a *****. I spend half of the rest of my time sleeping or eating.

I am not going to waste the remaining time on things that bore the hell out of me, or things that don’t interest me. I’d rather spend time with friends than know how many bosnians died last year.


And everything is someone else’s research, so I don’t know what you mean. You spout everything you’ve mentioned so far from someone else’s research. Marz has. …Nobody has done their own.

Does taking a little from one place, and a little from another, make it yours? Perhaps the end result is more educated, but it’s never yours until you do it for yourself.

BFC made me really really want to make my own documentary, by the by. I still haven’t figured out what yet, but it’d be cool.


I’m saying don’t take your views straight from one source. I was hoping you could come up with your own views, since this seems to have made an impression on you, on this issue, rather than just accepting Michael Moore’s views as facts.

I am not trying to argue with you, rather trying to get you to expand your knowledge of something before you make up your mind that something is either true or false. Especially if you are going to spout off to the people who really live in that group.

Do you really think that Michael Moore was not motivated by anything other than telling the truth? He lives in a mansion, has an enterage, and has made millions of dollars each year. That doesn’t sound like any of my neighbors… I’d like to see him walk into a unlocked door in my neighborhood… He’d find out who has guns, and if they’d use them in a hurry…

Bottom line… even if you call it a documentary, it is still just a movie with a point of view, just like the magazines, newspapers and television.


well if opinions get you mansion… I think I’ll just be like micheal moore…


Alright Rev. You’re totally right.

…I’m just not interested enough to go ahead and do so. So perhaps I’ll just press Micheal’s opinion into conversation a bit less.

Maybe that would work.

Anyways, back to my History project. :stuck_out_tongue:

I think I like arguing with you, rev. we should argue more. I mean… debate. yes.

As long as we keep it all in good fun, I mean.

sure. Sounds like fun…


You must admit though Rev, that Mr Moore looks, for all his bad press, like someone who’s motivations really are towards the poorest and most deprived that our society produces. He’s got something to sell, but I for one believe that his heart is in the right place.

and …of course the road to hell is paved with good intentions…

none the less… I think everyone should read his books.

David: I purchased “Stupid White Men” a while ago, due to your recommendation. I am quite glad I did. The book was great and well written and it really opened my eyes to quite a few things. I haven’t seen Bowling for Columbine yet, but I will.

About the gun thing…

–I feel that guns are unnecessary. I don’t think people should own guns, but I know this is irrational. If you are going to own a gun, do so responsibly. Lock it. Or don’t leave it loaded. Or better yet, keep it unloaded and lock it anyway. Put a lock on the gun and put the gun in a cabinet with a lock on it.

I understand the need for a hand-gun or a shot-gun/rifle for hunting, but no one that is a civilian has any need for an M-16 or an Uzi.



I agree with Michael Moore’s intentions, and most of his statements. I was just cautioning Aislin on depending solely on his outlook as factual.

or any one individual’s statements for that matter.


agreed :slight_smile:

I agree with Michael Moore, although i think his Oscars speech was poor. ‘Bowling for Culombine’ is a film which gives facts AND Michael Moores opinions on those facts. You cannot deny that that little girl was shot dead. That is fact, it is objective. B-F-C potrays that as a bad and tragic thing, this is subjective. I think the film is a documentary . I dont think it is an Un-baised documentary , but a documentary nether the less.