Branding: hb media group

Some of you will remember the HB Media logos I posted the other day. Well, those were my redesigns.

The logo above is their current logo, and while no decision has been made on the other logos I presented, I was asked to do a treatment with their current logo, utilizing the same “sub-brand” concept (technology, media group, services, and creative).

Problem is, I hate this logo (the design just feels amateurish to me), and I’m having a hard time figuring out exactly what to do.

Anyone have any ideas? I can’t change the logo itself, unless it’s putting it in a box or similar - so I’m freakin’ out :frowning:


I’d run away from them
your previous designs were amazingly good and witty and what not.
There current logo sucks… lol I dunno what to tell you

28, normally, I would run away from them :goatee:

unforunately, since i just moved to Savannah, GA to start school, my wife’s nursing license hasn’t come through yet - and so, since we have no income, I’ve got to take whatever work comes my way. Another company is sending me work soon, which will be nice, but until then, I have to keep workin for HB on what they need me for.

Some of the stuff I’ve done for them has been really worthwhile, and I’ll post a site I designed here in a few for the Boy Scouts of Round Rock, Texas.

I’m thinking of just putting the various words underneath this logo in the various colors, and that be it :wink:

Not very creative, but when you’re working with chopped liver, there’s only so much you can do :crazy:


lol yeah
i guess if it brings the money in, do what ya gotta do… but you should keep those others for yourself, i really liked them

Thanks a lot, it’s nice to get kudos from your peers :trout:


dude, kudos are mad good candy things
wow that was random

so anyway

i hope someone can think of something helpful for ya

nighty night

can you tell us about this company and who their target audience is? It seems like by your designs that they are either a youthful bunch or they want to nab the “Gen X-ers.”

I really dug the 3rd comp from the other post by the way. :thumb:

That’s not the company’s target audience, but I can completely see where you would get that.

Why the logos were as “modern” as they were had to do with the Marketing Manager’s strict requirement that any redesigning of the logo had to be “exciting”. They did not want as solid, corporate look at all - because he felt they were boring.

Even after discussing the pros of having such a logo with the manager, he still wanted to have a logo that was “exciting, flexible, eye-catching, and professional”. The problem is - they think the logo you see above meets all those requirements.

I think it looks like a 1980s clothing company logo :tb:

HB Media is basically a design firm that does lots of flash work, who right now has many contracts with the state of Texas, but wants to expand into other client bases. The reason for the sub-branding is that they really wanted to focus on the different facets of the company, to let clientelle know that they were dedicated to solving their different need.

So, they have a “Services” group, because they do professional services, and want clients to understand that they have a team of people who are dedicated to just that type of work. Same with the other groups. The goal of this was to keep them from being pigeonholed as one type of company or the other.

My favorite set is the one below - by far:

To me, it’s professional, meets the requirements of “flexibility, excitement, and eye-catching”. For me, anyway, it’s just fun to look at :stuck_out_tongue:


Here’s what I came up with for their current logo. I’m not real happy with it, but think it’s about as much as I can do with the materials and stipulations placed on me.


the Marketing Manager’s strict requirement that any redesigning of the logo had to be “exciting”.

Marketing people are ALL IDIOTS. They tell what they “need,” but never know what they WANT.

I definitely have to laugh (and agree) with you about the 1980’s comment on the logo.

The one that they like (posted above) does not convey maturity (for a company) nor efficient and clean work.
If I were looking to contract a company to do Flash work, based on the logo, I would think that they either suck or do “chitty” work.

The one that you, me (and probably everyone else) like has a clean look to it. Try some variations with the color and that might sway them your way.

If all else fails and they still want the other logo…well…remember who’s signing your check.
(but keep the other one for your portfolio):wink:


Well, it looks like the collateral I designed above is the new identity for the company.

Apparently they needed to get some collateral done up, and when the other logo was put in place, it just didn’t have enough punch. Since they’d be spending much money on it, they just decided to go ahead and go with the work I’d done.

Pretty cool. Didn’t expect that :smiley:

Nicely Done. Tenacity is key.:wink: