C++, Vb, As

which do you know
what do you like, dislike about it

my choice is c++ for the basic reason that i am far enough into it that i can be dangerous, and that it will help me in college, and on my future resumes:geek:
oh and i like the usability

I voted AS because you can get more done in less time and what you make is much more easily distributed to the masses. Though it lacks seriously in performance, its a-ok in my book.

I’m with Sen, simply because I have not crossed the bounds into C++ and VB but the poll should probably be much longer because there are many options out there…

I like AS because it’s the only one I’m okay at out of those 3 choices. :sure:

hmm what options should i add?
are you talking about for like web design?
cause ill ad like php as ewell as some others

no you don’t have to add anything, I was merely stating that there are many other programming languages out there. Many. Web development, game development… just listing those three isn’t even touching the tip of the iceberg…

you could do webdevelopment with PHP ASP JSP XML WML HTML XHTML PEARL PEAR:DB PHPLib Javascript

other languages like C+ C C# JAVA (anyone want to help add to this list?..as you can see I am a web-based person ;))


I just started kinda learning vb, and well i love it, its object oriented has built in components and everything… actionscript might be more fun, but if i were to choose to one language to work with as a profession, i’d go for VB… just my two cents…

i tried c++, i only learned pretty basic stuff like programming a console thingie, but there’s really not a lot you can do with it…

oopsie i forgot all about JAVA
stuff like quake and the engines for the series are java
go quake;)

I choose AS and VB.

I absolutely detest JAVA, and dont enjoy C++ much.

… oh, and I like ASP & PHP a lot :slight_smile:


on the web design note, i do enjoy using html and php
for the sole reason, thats what im good at, and dont have time to leanr much of anything else

You can do tons of stuff in C++
Thats how Doom and wolfinstien were made.
You can make word processors and everthing.

I have cose c++.
But the the langauge im mos used to is AS
Visual Basic is easy for me.
I have like a thousand page book that i read up to pg20 before and the coding is very very very simple.
Visual basic is mainly for making Window Aplliacations.

I chose C++…

ahmed… You must not have looked in the right direction then…

C++ is the most useful language out there to date… How do you guys think your Flash MX was made? :slight_smile:

Anyways… It’s the leading in game developement because it interfaces itself with DirectX in soo many ways… And openGL as well…

AS… I use it alot… And it sure is fun… But… I don’t really think game developers are seeking that primarily… I think they want more C++ knowledge…

As for VB… It’s worth it to know it… But that’s about it to me…

I chose Actionscript since it is the only one out of those I know…lol.

I… like Jubba… am web based.

I know

DHTML (tad bit - gave up for now)
PHP (tad bit - still learning))
Actionscript(tad bit - still learning)

I want to learn C++ and Java though.

How bout D? its new but it will be gaining momentem soon…just wait…you will see

If you all were forced to learn Java, All of you would prefer it. Granted it has by far the highest learning curve but it is the most powerful language next to plain old C. It is the only language that can easily span over any os. I realize that microsoft and others are trying to suppress it and all but still you gotta be impressed by its potential.