My new mech, isn’t she a beaut?
that looks pretty mean…
nice work man
woaw thats super great work.
did you use maya ?
No, I used C4D this time.
Nice EG ! =)
i dont like the head. otherwise its cool
it is a darn cool mech. The only thing I would complain about is the mechanics. I noticed this on your last mech. Then bending parts look like they would hit if this was a actual moving meck (like the arm). Might wanna think about that as you advance into animation.
Also more detail on moving parts. But that is just being overly picky. It is sweet.
how is it working in cinema4d?
Is it like maya?
DDD, you’re right, I did think about moving parts in this mech and this is the first mech that I actually used joints and bones for IK.
Though it looks bulky, it is pretty agile. I’m running some test animation sequences with this mech, but there’s something I need to do to the mech first that I haven’t been able to figure out…
Coolidge, C4D is like a baby version of Maya to me, kinda similar to Maya just not as many bells and whistles.
it’s not real EG…
you’re not supposed to do that with your models…
Rev, I’m still thinking about making a mech for each mod.
just make sure mine has a [size=10]big honkin’ space gun[/size]…
Gotcha. =)
I wish I had the time to learn to model…
it looks like a lot of fun.
It’s fun if you have time because it does require quite a bit of time, but if you’re being rushed, it could be stressful.
especially when your computer isn’t set up to render at a decent speed…
that has to be the most excruciating time, waiting for something to render, just to see you did one little thing out of place…
Yes! Some models could be rendered in a few minutes, but animation sequences takes like 6 hours just for a 10-15 min animation.
I need more memory.
I simply need to disconnect my wacom, and drive a new computer underneath it…
*Originally posted by reverendflash *
**it’s not real EG…
you’re not supposed to do that with your models…
Rev **
Well it is supposed to be lifelike. And folks consider these thing when they look at your models. It is good but those were just tips to make it better…as his skills get better, just a lil insight.
Speaking of wacoms, I’m thinking of purchasing one, but I don’t know which one to get.
Which one do you have Rev? Is there one you suggest?