Another model I threw together realy quick. I got the idea while watching the Discovery Channel. :beam:
very nice man keep it up :thumb:
Awesome ! Great EG ! :thumb:
Nice! It looks kind of like the phone tap from the Matrix!
yea it’s got that matrix feel
very cool! :thumb:
haha thanks guys, maybe I should model “Squidy” from the Matrix as weel. =)
wow cool! It doesn’t seem like a “quick job”! :-
Nice work!
i like it. can he battle the mech robot? PLEASE!!!
Thats nice work… wot u use to make it???
it looks like he used cinema 4d to make it
Thanks you guys. =)
HipHop, I used Cinema 4D.
Replode, maybe…
ok cool, can i get a trial version or a free download of Cinema 4D???
Cinema 4D??? i thought 3D is all we can see wid the eye… haha
Yes it’s called Cinema 4D, I didn’t come up with the name so don’t ask me.
You can download a demo version at their site.
ok thanks EG, is this program hard to use???
Compared to most other 3D programs like 3dsmax and maya, C4D is a breeze.
ok, thanks i’ll check it out
eh. im good at rhino 3d, but nobody seems to use that.
kh3mical, why don’t you show us some of your work. =)
well, i spose its pretty basic and good for my age (seeing as im only 13)
ok ya, just let me change the formats