Camcorders ^.^

hey guys i was looking around for nice digital camcorders on the net for Christmas… could anyone recommend anyones under the following limits? :

  • Under 350 bux
  • Digital (can hook up to computer)
  • can put on a video tape
  • nightshot and some extra features

it would be great if anyone had any with these features :love:

  • matt :ninja:


oh ya and i also want it to have a nice zoom and picture :mu:

no replys :upset:

im sad now :upset:

can’t recommend any, but thinking of nightshot, usually sony comes to mind… ever looked at their digicams?

btw: if any1 knows, did sony actually invent nightshot-technique, or just promote it well?

i DOn’t know i like my digital camera take 640 by 480 with sound pictures so i like it just fine and plus its my digital camera so it has sd memory stick and a usb linkup
here i’ll put some samples on for ya the only problem i have is it can’t be webcam and it doesn’t have memory sensors i’m not worried about not having battery sensors because it run for quite a while on 2 AA’s

sorry if your on dial up i’ll make it smaller if you ereally want me to on this page there is a 654 kb picture that is over 2000 by 2000 sorry bout that and the mopvie is 8 seconds lond with sound and is 2 megs .mov