Camera question

I got a quick question…

I’m looking at these two digital camera’s, one is a compact with manual control and another is an SLR-like with less MP than the compact but a much bigger zoom. They would both cost me around the same, and my question, which should I get!?

Thanks a lot

Depending on your use really, the first one looks like it can take a hit/drop better than the second.

I know I won’t do anything too professional soon, but I would like to get into photography, and I want a camera that would last kinda thing, you know

Hopefully I won’t drop any cameras in either case, lol

my only advice is if you go with an SLR, ability to change lenses is a major factor. you said it wasn’t for professional, but who knows, maybe you will become addicted and decide to take it to the next level. but that last one looks like a sharp camera.

Haha I was hoping you would get to see this thread, replode!

Do you think 3.1 MP is enough at all? Would you know of any other alternatives in the same price range?

3.1 sounds good, especially for that price and plus your getting plenty of zoom. although im not sure about zoom quality or sharpness(im really not a digital person) when zoom is maximized. Theres a few people around here who have some digital SLR’s, they could probably tell you more than I could.

You know, i have never shot a FinePix before but have only heard good things about them.

I would always go for more zoom, 3.1 will give you good crisp shots on the puter. Not sure about prints tho.

Another thing to think about is compactness. As much as i love my 300d, its big. I cant thow it in my pocket and when i need it whip it out. I have to plan it because its big.

I really want another Sony small *** camera for the throw in the pocket and go part. I think RussianBeer and Red both have a FinePix so you might want to ask one of them too.

Yeah I was only looking at compacts before, they’re fun to carry around, but I think things just can’t be perfect :stuck_out_tongue:

The s5000 is rather small by the way, compared to what the pictures would have you guess.

Replode, in the other thread, you said you own a Holga. I looked it up, it looks really funky. What’s this camera about?

the second 1 looks better

I would recommend the second one anyway. As an owner of an Olympus SLR Camera, that’s going to be your best choice.

ahmed, holgas are pretty sweet little cameras. they cost like $20, and use 120 size (medium format) film. It’s a look like a point and shoot, except manual (like exposure and focus). Not what you want if your looking for something professional, but with practice you can get some good stuff out of it. check these sites out for more: