Hi there, please end me your comments about the site:
URL: http://www.miguelpena.com
Thanks guys
Hi there, please end me your comments about the site:
URL: http://www.miguelpena.com
Thanks guys
you have some cool effects on your site - like the leaves. Some of the links would not work though!
First off I thought your intro is a bit long so I got bored and clicked the skip button.
As for design I like how you used thos vibrant color pictures, but the bright green killed everything. I think you should use another color instead of that bright green, it doesn’t go well with your layout.
Also your transitions could be a bit better as well, what you have now how the green thing just slides down is a bit dull compared to your layout, I was expecting something more cool looking.
I noticed you have a leave at the bottom, what does that link to? You should label it or something so people would know what they’re clicking on. It took me awhile to notice that it’s clickable.
Overall I thought your site is okay, still needs a lot of work, good luck. =)
Thanks for your comments
I think your site could be quite amazing with the use of a proper color scheme. The green (and the purple outline for the soundbar) definately don’t go well with the site.
I would recommend taking a look at www.coolhomepages.com and simply browse through the thumbnails of the sites it will give u a good feel of which colors go together.
Hope that helps…
Thanks Tehsin
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