I am making a flash site, and it just doesnt look right to have it in that big window with all that extra space…if someone knows where a tutorial on this is please send me the link, or if someone can show me how…that would be much appreciated…
thank you
on (release){
getURL (javascript<img src=http://www.ezboard.com/intl/aenglish/images/emoticons/embarassed.gif ALT=":o"> penIT(‘page.html’,450,250,null,null,‘mywinname01’))
that is the code on the button. The rest of the stuff goes into the actual HTML document. I got the button to work, but I never uploaded the chromeless.js so it would only link to the site and not open up the chromeless window.
sorry to ask so many questions J, but it almost works, i got the script right, got the button ready…got the chromeless.js, and i think i got the html part right, but my button does not do anything…i think i did not do the html part right…
so i publish the flash file, then go open the html file that flash creates, with like notepad or something…paste the html code in there and save it right?..maybe there is a specific spot to paste it…can u help with this new problem?
Yes, please answer Kazuma1979. I am having the same problem. The button alone works fine in the browser, but when I post it the website, the button doesn’t do anything. I have button in website (fla) and select, add action, go to dreamweaver, open button and add html code, runs fine, go back to website and publish, button doesn’t do a thing.
-make sure you have the chromless.js file uploaded and in the same folder.
-Make sure your JAVASCRIPT code is on the same page as the SWF button.
your HTML should look something like this… just replace all the [ and ] with < and >
[script src="chromeless.js"][/script]
[script language="javascript"]
function openIT(u,W,H,X,Y,n) {
var cD ='images/close.gif'
var cU ='images/close.gif'
var cO ='images/close.gif'
var cL
var tH ='[font face=verdana size=1] Borderless Example[/font]'
var tW ='Borderless Example'
var wB ='#003366'
var wBs ='#003366'
var wBG ='#8BB1D8'
var wBGs='#B1CBE4'
var wNS = 'toolbar=0,location=0,directories=0,status=0,menubar=0,scrollbars=0,resizable=0'
var fSO ='scrolling=no noresize'
chromeless(u,n,W,H,X,Y,cD,cU,cO,cL,tH,tW,wB,wBs,wBG,wBGs,wNS,fSO) }
and then embed your SWF somewhere in here
the variables in this code are similar if not the same as kirupas code. This worked for me.
Important note: by publishing the fla file, it wipes out the html additions. Very important as there is no backtracking. Found this out be having DW and Flash open as same time. If you make a change in Flash and then publish, then open html file in DW it says “Do you wish to update changes made outside of DW environment?”, click yes and the html changes made before disappear, add them back and it works.