Caption this: Very Sad

nah that not really funny, i just feel bad. makes you look at what we are doing and really think…

just remember this guy when you turn your heat up high, through away styraphome, or light up…it will all come back to you, so watch out.

PS beware of Karma…

pj, if i punch #10, then i would be how do you say, chop liver?
better yet! if you are Superme, i want to be Vice Supreme! :stuck_out_tongue:

hahah! punch #10!

you forgot to thank God…all famous people thank God! Like if you win an award at MTV “I’l like to thank God”.

That’s ashame Phil… how can you post that picture :q: :frowning: :*(

I know it’s reality. It is just ashame that you chose that picture for a caption contest for people to ridicule and make fun of.

crude oil or cooking oil: either way birds are screwed…

That just depressed the hell out of me.
