hey guys, i was jsut messing around with swift 3d, and made thise, its just some car rims, make sure you expand it in your browser, or else it will be all pixelied, and can u rate on a scale of 1 - 10, 10 being best?
-thanks guys, i appreciate it
ugh! i hate geocities, it doesn’t work, i’ll try to figure something out
copy and paste it into your browser starting w/ www
not bad…pretty sweet how long did it take ya
about 40 mins.
btw nice directories: http://www.geocities.com/spetslayer/dfgd466ertgdder5h/dsfsdfewfwf/sdfffe5ydd/dgr454dfodk/ggsdgbpobpd/g/
hahah yup!
lol how do you nav in that? those look great! esp for Swift 3d
lol, haha i don’t know, just kinda get used to it i gues
and thanks!