Hey I’m the only vote so far!
Mmm… i’ve voted too. But it’s too bad there wasn’t a choice: “I have no idea what happened, but this whole thing sucks big time”.
I don’t trust the government…
never have, never will…
hmmm… why is the third choice so popular?
It just seems to be the least controversial and probably closer to the truth considering the choices given But I do lean more toward the first choice; I am not really big on conspiracy theories. Maybe I am just too apathetic to look into the issues clearer lol!
Kirupa :rambo:
Maybe everyone is just afraid to set you off again :-\
I chose #4
Also, I refuse to believe that my name is on a bomb that is bombing someone else. Frankly it isn’t my fault anything happened. What did I do to start a war? I am not saying that avoiding the truth is better… no where near. What I am saying is that it is foolish to believe that one person can change the mind of our government and the vast majority of the population.
What I am saying is that it is foolish to believe
that one person can change the mind of our government and the
vast majority of the population.
The irony of that statement, is that our government tends to
change the rules and laws to accommodate the minority. But the
truth of the statement is right on the $.
Yeah, they may be from our representatives, but you gotta admit, the government doesn’t really care about the minorities opinion in these matters. So no matter how many people band together, it won’t make a different because our government has made up their mind a long time ago.
That is another bad thing about our government:-\ They are quick to jump, but don’t give a good look at what they are jumping into.
It seems like most people agree since #4 is the most popular choice.
On this board, yes, #4 is the popular choice. But the country in general?
Good question. I made the assumption about it referring to our government, but you know what they say about the word assume
Hey Phil, do you know of a way to find out if calling your congressman actually counts for something, or if they just act as if it does and don’t do anything? I am not trying to challenge you, I would just like to know because I have experienced a lot of people telling me one thing and doing another.
Makes perfect sense =)
I hate politics…
Same here… but what would we do without them unfortunately.
for starters, less gossip…
You know what is really funny? Our current “plutocracy” was originally created by poor people that wanted to seperate from England which was taking all of our money. So poor people created our new government and rich people took it over.
But ya know, life sucks, and then you die, so just get used to it and try not to worry about things you can’t “control”.
I know that sounds really smug, but it is true (at least to me it is).
By the way, I do agree with your statement Phil.
i voted for #1. curious why so many people voted #4. what are all the holes in the official story? specifically, i mean in the idea that 18 terrorists hijacked planes and flew them into buildings. don’t tell me people think it was a US missile or a UFO…
*Originally posted by lostinbeta *
**You know what is really funny? Our current “plutocracy” was originally created by poor people that wanted to seperate from England which was taking all of our money. So poor people created our new government and rich people took it over.
i don’t think any of the founding fathers were poor… i’m pretty sure they were all pretty well off landowners.
ya, i picked 1 also, altho i do think the government knew what was comming and let it happen.
Well that would definitely solve the issue of how I got an A in history, but always felt like I failed it
But either way, they fought to get away from England because England was a plutocracy to them (I think, refer to the history issue above again).