Please tell my what you think…
PS: I submitted my site for “the site of the week”, does it have a chance against the “big boys”?
Please tell my what you think…
PS: I submitted my site for “the site of the week”, does it have a chance against the “big boys”?
i think the site is pretty decent…
i dont know about the backgrounds thing…
its a simple site… but its nice looking,
just one thing… im on broadband and the loading times are kind of big…
I like it.
Maybe try for a slightly longer sound loop? This one you have fits well, but it get olds very quickly.
i like the site overall. it’s simple and it’s easy to find stuff.
two things:
it takes FOREVER to load and i’m on a high speed connection.
make the text brigher. it’s very hard to read and i had to strain my eyes. the menu text is great but the body text needs to be brighter.
I think the long loading is more to do with the redirction from .tk than anything else. get your own domain
oh wait… i spoke too soon… the actually site did take a while to load… well… it wasnt as bad as you lot made it. definitely within an acceptable range…
yes, loading takes forever:/ but the site is nice. try making the two vertical lines stand out more, and make the background a different color than the area above and below the site. the acutal site was really clean and smooth, and the splash page was very organized. i like it.
pretty clean look… loading is forever tho and im on high speed too :chinaman:
very nice. nothing new to say really. the sound loop needs to be longer to echo others. some of the text is borderline readable, but it’s ok. cool site.
After thinking about it some more, I think that your splash page could use an image or logo of some kind. It looks really bare on my 1024x768 screen.
Thanks for the comments, I’ll see what I can do with the loading time + the splash page… you ppl have some interesting opinions.
Thanks again,
all i am seeing is a white line between 2 boxes, there nothing to press.:-\
To pick one thing out to comment on would be the main page where the user can choose up to four different shades of the nature pic. It is my opinion that this is awesome. It makes the page reflect nature and provides variety to reflect climatic change and emotional variance. In addition the music loop is appropriate and adds to the experience.
The load is lengthy but its worth the wait.
everything is said about the site,
i need some fonts like you used in your site.
Can you advice some ? What’s the name of font you used?
hey um i donno if im the only one but i cant see it, the only thing that loads is the bg line img on the left side and thats it
Hey… Norwegian kid.
Siden ser bra ut.
The loop is too short as mentioned, and the portfolio Items might be a little hard to read for people with less than 20/20 vision. Other than that, that’s a pretty nifty showcase.
Thanks guys! (flashermx especially:) …hehe)
As for the font… the name is “ZeroTwos” I think I found it at…
I’ve been looking for good fonts for a while…just type fonts in any search engine and you will find what you’re looking for (might take a while though).
Some people have been commenting on the loading time… i know somethings wrong with .tk, so if you can’t see the index (splash) page, it’s probably their fault… try typing instead.
****, I need to get me a domain name… lol:)
ahh nice site, but the greens dont go well with eachother, very dark
What speed are you guys on that say it takes ages to load i have 64K and it loads really fast, faster than any other flash site I have seen this month that was good enough to memorize, I like the idea of changing the colours, I like the piano loop it suits the site. I do aggree with teet that you need a new splash, everthing else is great.
Yup…i’m gonna change the splash page… thanks to you all
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