Check my new site plz

new design…

not really completed yet, but the body is ready, content is missing.

Link please… :slight_smile:

oh **** i knew i forgot sth

who cares about the content if the lay-outs cool then is A.O.K.EEEE… to me

it took me a while to load even before the preloader. But when i do get to the preloader, its already at 59. It just might be my computer though.


Alex, exactly same for me.

If your site takes forever just to get to a preloader…NO ONE will stay!

I wanted to look as well! :smirk:

Use a pixel font… your fonts are not really legible. BUT NICE LAYOUT MAN!


actually i used pixelfonts, but i obviously forgot to include them in the dynamic textfields.

preloader: even i got this problem when i test the film. i dont know why that happens, ive done some preloaders before, but they worked. hm… it loads the first frame (which contains the preloader) without displaying the preloader. could that be because theres a image in it?

Cool site you got there I like it !

May I ask you how do I get to import the shoutbox in flash ?
and do i need a site that must handel .php to get this like your contact/e-mail page ?

Thank you very much !

the shoutbox is done with php and textfiles. i worked about 100 hours on it because there were always problems with sth.

the mail-form does not work so far (as you can see on the missing “post/send” button). as i said, the site isnt ready, the design is completed, but content is missing ( i will do some thing like “links” and “tools” in the “info”-menue, these two will be loaded into the place where “about” is now…

i think about posting the files of my shoutbox on the forums, but it was so much work…

The arrows are pretty, yes, but they keep confusing me… I keep thinking they do something rather than just sit there and look cool…

ive posted the filez of my shoutbox in the FLASHMX-forum.

Okay i love the layout, very simple, very clean, nice colours, nice fonts, but it lacks something…maybe an image or central animation…then it would be uber-cool :beam:

I know how hard it is creating the clean, futuristic look…well done :slight_smile:

pretty cool! add a little color and it’s perfect!