Check my newest portfolio (spanish)

Check my new website,
any comments are welcome



Nice allucinated concept, its a very good page, only at the default page… i think there is to much -> flying and wandering around…

also… POPUP WINDOW… its a minus…

Overall, nice site, keep up the good work!

Nice site. Very nice work if you like the trendy sort of thing.

Your splash page took forever to load and looked bad. I hope you redo it to match your site. Your use of color was great they all went together nicely. Your navigation was also very nicely laid out and smooth. Your Images seemed very jaggy and poorly croped I would smooth those out. Like diablo said some of the pages seem a little to busy. I would tone down some of the animation. It seemed that your site waited for your music to load then it loaded the site. You should have the music load secondly and put some kind of preloader on your music as well. Also the popup window is a bad thing get rid of it.

Other then a few technical details a very good start.:smirk: