Portfolio site - gimme feedback

Hi folks,

check out my second site. The colours are deliberately muted to maximise the impact of the pictures. I got some good feedback last time, so just write a note on what you think of it. All points of view welcome




nice, I like, I like

need to make more off your portfolio though, by far the best section of the site

like the colours, the font, the splater image logo, like the animated birdy (though it was hard to read the about me page with it moving…maybe should just have a static one on there)

defintely need to make more of the portfolio because it was the last section I went to but after looking at it it’s by far the best section, you need to guarantee thats the first section EVERYONE goes to…might be as simple as moving it to the first link, but need to do something

but it’s very cool, like the lack of colour too…well done :cool:

I’m up and down on your site, I think your button’s need work, The scroller used in the about section looks generic, I would just use a small bar that’s thin without the up and down arrows, The launch project blinking is not working for me. I do enjoy the simple look and feel of your site! I would in your portfolio section have a list or small images of your work.


really liking your style, appreciate the other opinions offered but am not qualified to make same judgments.

your illustrations rock.:rocker:

Why do your links spawn a new htm page? I don’t understand the structure of your site, is there a particular reason you are doing this?

edit: I mean the your main menu in particular

Your fonts a quite blurry. Maybe look at using a pixel font. Or aligning onto a whole numbered pixel.

I agree. That was my main turn-off. It interrupts the background music and just seems too unnecessary. I think it would be much better to just load in the external swf’s to the main one.

Nice stuff there man - toally agree with BlueNar - the new pages completelky destroys the flow : Can I ask, if you use Illustrator / Live trace (ai) - to get your layered vectors, like Jack Nicholson, and Jacques Chirac. ?? Would love to know :slight_smile:

I use a combination of stuff, mostly photoshop. I rarely use illustrator and don’t know what Live trace is. I’ve got a drawing tablet which helps a lot, so I can draw stuff straight into photoshop, and it’s good for touching stuff up too. You basically have to adjust your technique and which software you use according to the look you’re trying to achieve.
Chirac was drawn onto paper first, scanned into photoshop and then touched up with the drawing tablet.
Small tip: i find that if you give something a nice bold black outline, it really brings out the image. It’s a trick that comic artists use.


thing that bugs me the most is when you click on a link and its waiting to loadi have a black background with this white square.

other then that its a good start

good start. even the graffiti font (which usually get over used) you use it well.

i would suggest speeding the masking of the BIRDY reveal up a little so it happens faster and is a little more interesting.

also, maybe you could mask your ink splatter in behind the logo so that it looks like they are being dripped or splattered instead of just fading in.

yes i too am frustrated by the new .htms - just make new swfs load into the main one for the different sections - that white square is really annoying and unproffessional :stuck_out_tongue:

also make the rollovers for the buttons, especially at the start those yellow ones, make them more interesting - at least make them fade in and out not just instantly change…

I love your Art and Design skills man - great stuff :thumb2:

[ot] hey topsub- nice to see ya around in the K forums. Ur footer is over the file size limit, and is too wide (max dimensions are 300X60) ;)[/ot]

I liked the site and your artwork well its ■■■■ impressive. the only problem i had with the site was the ‘Back to home page’ button’s colour was quite hard to read. I don’t know if it was just me but i found to read it you to look closer at the screen. Maybe just brighten it up a bit and should be mint.