Check my site

my bad I forgot a link. lol

It’s ok. I’m not too big a fan of neon green, but if it works for you, go for it. I think the @ sign is kinda big for the site. Also, on the portfolio page you can’t tell what you are clicking on. It looks like you took big raphics and resized them really small. A big design flaw is that you can’t scroll down the text boxes because it clicks on the @ link instead.


Too much green. It hurt my eyes. The @ button is way to big. Not bad. Its a good start for a site.

The background is a little busy - it should be subtle so your content and menu stand out. Adding the bright green hue further hinders the visual hierarchy.

I agree that the @ button is needlessly large. It does look nice but it differs greatly from the other buttons - creating an inconsistency.

You may want to add some clarity to your portfolio - perhaps labels to where the links lead, a few details about the project and how you contributed to it… not just a direct link to the site itself.

Aside from that, I can’t understand much of the site. I do like the menu - I find easy to navigate. Keep working on it.