Looks good so far matt, except you have a problem with the negative space.
I would remove the 4 diagonal lines, and push all the elements together to solve the negative space issue.
I like this… I think the colors are nice and original, they don’t hurt the eyes.
The news and info greens don’t seem to work well. I like that pink though… maybe make it that pink? Smooth transitioning. IMO the empty space except you need something that draws your eye to the actual content.
What I don’t care for is your logo, which I think is the weakest part of the site, or that X in the background.
I like the colors and the way the site feels. The simplistic style works for it and puts more emphasis on your work (which is quite awesome I must add). The navigation works well and is easy to navigate.
I have to agree about the logo, it was the first thing I noticed that stood out as looking off. The x definitely throws the space around. I’m not to fond of the way that things are oriented, I don’t like to scroll to see all the content for every piece of work. Maybe pull things together more, you can get rid of some of that space.
The thing with the logo is, its not a logo well it is… but I don’t rock a set logo, I switch it up alot… something to play with. I happen to like that style; in your opinion what could be improved with it?
I like it ! Colors fit well together and nav is ok. I like your work very much, nice style, it reminds me a bit the style of a design agency here in belgium www.designlab.be . I just have a little problem with that X in the background. I’m on 1280*1024 and fits perfectly, btw, how do you make that background so it fits with any resolution and it doesn’t repeat ?
the background:a very simple actionscript that tells that particular movie clip to adjust to the size of the users screen width, and in this case a set height.
I like your approach with the website Matt. There are many sites like yours that display information and content like what you have done. A bonus with yours is that you have intergreated flash, unlike others which are very nice as well keep it static. I dont mind the scrolling because I have seen this style before and scrolling is fine. Im on 1024x768 (IE 6.0 if thats something important). Maybe work on a logo when you have time. Leave the x though, it suits the content since you are doing great illustrations, your approach is good.
About the approach and why i said yours is a bonus. Let me put this example. www.dstrukt.com . Now Chris’ website looks really neat because the color and simplicity is a benefit. But you see how he just lists his works through normal html? Thats what I mean when yours is a bonus.
trendy. fresh. simple. nice.
Colors are great, starting to see alot of designers slap the portfolio right on the index page, and making the page longer instead of wider.
The nike work is very creative, looks good.
The big x’s remind of quark and inDesign picture boxes.
dru and minimalistic, thanks for the kind words. I’ve got some perm. logo ideas in mind and Ill post them if they materialize. Also minimal thanks for that link, some interesting work there.
that would be simple enough, and after I read the earlier posts I thought about that. I think I’m content with how it’s set up now using just the pixel font, its clean, its not a “bad” logo and It’s easy to maintain.