Chromeless.js and Internet Explorer 6

Hallo, I’m just a beginner in javascript. In school we made a really nice homepage with the chormeless.js Flash MX and Action Script and in Internet Explorer 5.X it looked really good. Yesterday we had to present our work to the teachers and other people. The PC we used for presentation had the new Internet Explorer 6. Now the popupwindow doesn’t show the right size of 800 x 500 px, it is fullscreen ??? - the color is okay. I dont know what i should do. Can anybody help?
Look at with Internet Explorer 6 .

Chromeless windows are BAD!!

Here is why…

  1. They don’t work on Macs
  2. They don’t work on Netscape
  3. They used to work in IE but

Chromeless windows don’t work in IE6 SP1 anymore either. This means that as of IE6 SP1, Chromeless windows are dead. No other browser supported Chromeless windows, so it was only IE, but now it is no longer IE. Chromeless windows will now launch as full screen windows in the new IE, Microbians (the company who made this script) released a patch to this problem by creating a normal old pop-up like what appears in all other browsers, but this patch had a serious bug that caused the windows that contained the link that launched the Chromeless window to become white with the text [object], so they removed the patch.

Hi Shane,
thkx for yr reply. Do you have any idea how i can change the popup window’s optic and fix the size without using chromeless ?

regards Ulla

You can use a regular pop up window.

There is the centered pop up all from within Flash…

Then there is the standard pop up

Then there is the method I wrote for a standard centered pop up. (check attachment).

Hi Ulla,

versuch’s mal mit
dann “Library/Tools”
dann “JS Generator”,
das lässt sich ganz einfach parametrieren
und spuckt denn nötigen code aus :wink:

(just a link to flash-db’s online pop-up generator…)

ich werd’s mal testen. War ein schöner Reinfall, und das bei der Abschlusspräsentation, die wichtig für die Benotung ist.
Danke, bis dann mal.
Gruss Ulla:trout:

Sorry Joe,
aber ich brauche das Script nicht für Flash sondern ein Javascript für in meine html seite, in die der Flashfilm implementiert ist. Ich habe auf der Index.htm einen Weiter-Button der auf eine start.htm geht. Diese start.htm hat den per Javascript (bisher chromeless.js) veränderten Browserrahmen in dem das swf liegt. Da dies aber mit dem neuen IEXPL 6 nicht mehr funktioniert suche ich eine alternative, bei der ich Farbe und Größe festlegen kann.
Gruss Ulla

Der generator spuckt doch das fertige javascript aus?!
Nur noch 'n bischen an html anpassen, und es müsste klappen…

you would get more help if you SPOKE ENGLISH!!!

Just because you CAN speak German, doesn’t mean you should… :scream: :bad: :angry:

lol, j/k :stuck_out_tongue: :trout:

Jubs 8]

Was sind Sie sprechendes Jubba? Möglicherweise sollten Sie Deutsches, zu sprechen beginnen!


Juhpee: Überprüfen Sie die Akte, die ich anbrachte. Dieses Javascript kann in HTML auch verwendet werden.

(PS: My German is… really rough… sorry if there are any mistakes… which there are a ton probably)

Sorry Jubba, I started “speaking” German, sometimes it’s just easier to get help in your mother tongue…
And lost, brush up on that German, lol…still, better than most here I’d guess…
@ Ulla: yes, check the javascript lostinbeta posted some posts above, should be what you need…

Auf Wiedersehen :wink:

LOL… yeah, well I said my German was really rough… maybe I shoulda used the word horrible instead :stuck_out_tongue: I tried :-\ :slight_smile:

where do you all put your SWF’s in your websites? the ones for your footers?

I keep all my .swf files in the same directory as the .html file that holds it, so that varies.