Hey all! I’ve been doing webdesign and graphics, since I was 9 in 1997, and I quite fancy my Photoshop. ; however, I am getting ready to start compiling this game I’ve been planning for 4 years now, called “God of Domination.” Now, in this instance, I want to get the best graphics program. From what I hear, Cinema 4D and 3D Studio Max are some of the best 3D programs for Xtremely intense graphics, but I want to know which one is the best over-all program. After I’m done with the game, I want to experiment with enhanced digital art.
Does anyone know the answer to my question?
Take care.
Christopher William Coddington (Xzandar / cwcandromeda)
i’ve tried 3d max and it’s really good. I cant really compare but I can say that the set up seems pretty good (4 different perspectives) and it’s really easy to pick up transforming the graphics.
Xzandar, my advice to you is to use what you’re comfortable with.
The majority of the 3D users on this forum use 3D Studio Max, Lightwave or Maya. I’m among the few that uses Cinema 4D.
I chose C4D because that is what I started with and got comfortable with. Of course I can always hop over to 3DMax, but I think it’s pointless to start over with another program and plus these programs are pretty expensive.
So make sure you do your research on these programs and find out what suits your needs. Why pay for a $4,000 program when all you’re going to be doing is making wallpapers? Also you can have the top of the line 3D software like Maya and still suck while someone with C4D produces kick *** work.
yup, totally agree with geek (electron i mean)
i mean i’ve been using litwave never got round to it, even naming objects is complicated. Cinema 4d is quite pleasing to work with although you do have to understand how the object tree works…
But for every 3d soft out there you’ll have to learn the keyboard shortcuts and understand the terms anyway. So you might want to try demos before buying you’re actual product.
My school had Eovia’s Carrara, i really loved the thing, really bugged but very easy to use and powerful…
*Originally posted by electrongeek *
**Xzandar, my advice to you is to use what you’re comfortable with.
The majority of the 3D users on this forum use 3D Studio Max, Lightwave or Maya. I’m among the few that uses Cinema 4D.
I chose C4D because that is what I started with and got comfortable with. Of course I can always hop over to 3DMax, but I think it’s pointless to start over with another program and plus these programs are pretty expensive.
So make sure you do your research on these programs and find out what suits your needs. Why pay for a $4,000 program when all you’re going to be doing is making wallpapers? Also you can have the top of the line 3D software like Maya and still suck while someone with C4D produces kick *** work.
Choose wisely… **
Thanks. I’ll go with C4D, considering it’s a lot smaller compared to 3D Studio Max, plus a few friends said that 3DSM freezes their machines. Thanks for the input electrongeek, mlkdesign.
Christopher William Coddington (Xzandar / cwcandromeda)
Creating engaging and entertaining content for designers and developers since 1998.