Close talk forums?

Honestly, i think that almost all of the “problems” are stemming from the talk forums. Random especially. Right now i feel like its at a point where i’m actually recomending we close the only forums i post in for maybe a month? Or less time?

This is why i say this drastic thing:
It would deffinatly cut down on the spam, those members who are here just to spam, wont want to wait for a month to start to spam again. They will move elsewhere, and with luck never come back. Same with the people who just piss and moan all day long at us and about how bad fo a job the moderators are doing etc.

I have a feeling that when they were re-opended again, they would most deffinatly fill up with the same caliber of members we used to see around. Coders who just want an outlet.

Thats just my $.2 as well as a bit of an outlet lol.
