Colored Scroll Bars

I’m assuming if you use the flash MX pre-made scroll bars you can’t switch the colors of them. So does anyone know how I would make a nice colored scroll bar?

tweak this tutorial:

Ok, but I guess that means im going to have to make custom images…but i think i got an idea, I’m just going to put a colored box over the current one and see how it looks

[AS]globalStyleFormat.face = 0xECECEC;
globalStyleFormat.highlight = 0xC0CCD8;
globalStyleFormat.highlight3D = 0xC0CCD8;
globalStyleFormat.darkshadow = 0x000000;
globalStyleFormat.shadow = 0x4E657C;
globalStyleFormat.arrow = 0x484848;
globalStyleFormat.foregroundDisabled = 0xC0CCD8;
globalStyleFormat.scrollTrack = 0xEBEBEB;
globalStyleFormat.focusRectInner = 0xDBDCE5;
globalStyleFormat.focusRectOuter = 0x9495A2;
globalStyleFormat.background = 0xC0CCD8;
globalStyleFormat.selectionUnfocused = 0xff0000;
globalStyleFormat.border = 0x4E657C;

thanks…just give me a hint on where to put that action script :slight_smile:

Anywhere on your timeline, beware though, if you use globalStyleFormat, the colors you set will be applied to ALL UI components you use, such as the push button, listbox etc, this can also be done on a “per-instance” basis by using myComponentInstanceName.setStyleFormat. etc as above

thanks for all the help! The colored scroll bar looks just how i want it to! :slight_smile: