Comments on my first flash-site

Atlast i’ve finished my first 100% flash-site ever…
And I simply wanted to know what you all think about it :slight_smile:
the adress is: (it’s a site about me…)


I moved this thread to Site Check… :wink:

You’re likely to get better opinions here. :stuck_out_tongue:

oh thanks alot… i didn’t know such a forum excisted… sorry.

Is my site really so bad that it doesn’t even deserves comments :frowning:

no its not that bad :slight_smile: I like the start! first on splash page u dont need that by @ since its ur site your email will be inside! A lot of people have pop-up killers so try making it within a browser, if u really need to pop-up something I would say that would be news!
I like the mouse over sound and icons inside even do I think u could make them smaller or if u want them this shape then scale them properly… they look a bit distorted. Is this site about you or this dj that you like…he should advertise you not other way around :slight_smile: like I know u like him but he doesnt deserve to have one link just for him and u stay with only 3…you could say well I like him check his work and then link to his page, but having a section for someone else doesnt sound good to me.

escape putting > on headers as it looks unprofessional try scaling down your big buttons and putting it close to each header depending on what section u click in! I like ur puma shirt :slight_smile:

hope this helps a bit!


Thanks alot for your long comment on my site :slight_smile:
i really apprciate ur comments… but one thing i don’t understand is… that you think my sub-menus “1 2 3 4” looks -“they look a bit distorted” could you please explain that deeper? i spent alot of time typing X and Y cordinates for this site making it all so accuate as possible.
About… that DJ… as he means alot to me… it’s also like a small fan-page about him.
And… you don’t think my use of the “>” is ok? to be honorst i think i looks quite cool :slight_smile:

K its cool for dj :slight_smile: but I wasnt talking about 1234 buttons I was more talking about the big ones like 4 main signs that u use for the navigation,as they feel a bit choppy on the edges, I think if they are just a bit smaller you would loose that. ur call. :stuck_out_tongue: